How do I open a Cross Ref link within a structured FM file?
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Working in FM 2019 32-bit, structuring my document as a Ditamap with nested topics. Links are going fine. When I write a PDF, the links work correctly (all internal links for the time being).
But when I am working in the FM file, I click on my links, yet I can't navigate to the clicked item. I try the "Go to Location" button for a listed link in the Cross References pod, and... nothing.
(My structured view indicates that all my elements are syntactically correct.)
I've got the same document saved as a Composite FM file. The same phenomenon there: the links seem to be fine, but I can't use them to navigate.
How do I navigate around??? thanks
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You've tried double-clicking on the link right? For me that either opens the destination file or displays an error message if the link is broken. I checked my 2019 version and I'm not seeing any difference. Does it help if you recreate the link?
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Thanks for your reply. Yes, I've tried double-clicking. This opens the Link dialog box. The links are, as far as I can see, correct. But there's no command there to actually open the linked heading.
In Unstructured Framemaker, double clicking a link opens the Cross Reference dialog box, with the handy "Go to Source" button. That's what I want to achieve in Structured.
(In Structured, I can open the Cross References pod. There, too, all my links are listed. There's a Go to Location button, but it doesn't do anything.)
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I tried selecting a link in the cross-reference pod and clicking 'go to location' and that doesn't work for me either. Double clicking a link in the fm doc does work (by opening the destination file) although it doesn't bring the destination file into focus. I tried clicking a link where the destination file is already open and it appears to do nothing. If you close any other files and then click the link does it open the destination file for you then?
Sorry I can't be more help than that. Good luck!
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Thanks again! Actually, I don't need to open a destination file... I want to navigate within a single file, based on the xrefs. It doesn't work for me...
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Did you find a solution to the xRef?
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