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How to connect to a new framemaker session programatically

Community Beginner ,
Sep 01, 2022 Sep 01, 2022

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I am working on some functionality which opens a new framemaker session and tries to connect with it.

Currently in the application if framemaker is somehow closed we need to restart the application from start. I have added a button in app which actually open a new framemaker session but lookslike it is not in sync with the app, I have the following code which tries to make a connection with framemaker. 


int FrameSession::ConnectToSession()
FontEncIdT feId;
StringT encName;
// Connect to the frame session
if (!F_ApiAlive()) F_ApiStartUp(NULL);

if (!F_ApiAlive())
return 6; // No Registered Connection

encName = F_ApiGetString(0, FV_SessionId, FP_DialogEncodingName);
feId = F_FdeInitFontEncs((ConStringT) "FrameRoman");

/*Get Path for ICU Data Directory */
ConStringT icu_dir = F_GetICUDataDir();

/// Set Path for ICU Data Directory for ICU Mappings.
return 0; // Connected to session successfully


Same piece of code works when application initially open and connects with framemaker,  if this intial framemaker session is closed and i try to open new session through above mentioned button it also return 0, which means successful connection as per comments in the code snippet but when i try to open a book, it is not opening any book.


Any help to open and connect with framemaker session would be appreciated.







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