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Internal error while creating pdf files

Mar 30, 2012 Mar 30, 2012

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Good morning.

I have problems while creating pdf files from FM documents,using FM9: I get an internal error, see here an example:

Errore FM.jpg

=== Header Begin ===
Internal Error: 9004, 6921628, 9677518, 0
FrameMaker 9.0.0 for Intel
Build: 9.0p255
Window System: MSWindows
Operating System: Windows NT 5.1 (major.minor.build: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)
Generated on: venerdì 30 marzo 2012 11.38.51
To file: C:\Documents and Settings\itgzeanlo\Dati applicazioni\Adobe\FrameMaker\9\FrameLog_12.03.30_11.38.51.txt
=== Header End ===

=== Stack Trace Begin ===
=== Stack Trace End ===

=== Open Window List Begin ===
# not implemented
=== Open Window List End ===

=== Recent Commands Begin ===
=== Recent Commands End ===

=== Recent API Calls Begin ===
# not implemented
=== Recent API Calls End ===

=== Windows Relocation Information Begin ===
Application: 00400000
FrameMaker.exe: 00400000 00979000
ntdll.dll: 7c910000 000b8000


I don't have a clue of what's wrong. I tried to uninstall the software and then to install it again, with the same result.

Can you please help me?

Kind regards.

Antonio Locati




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Community Expert ,
Mar 30, 2012 Mar 30, 2012

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The error code isn't going to do you much good here - this is a user-to-user forum; only Adobe engineers can make sense of the dump log that created. You have sent it to them, right?

Getting back to your issue - how are you trying to create a PDF? Save As or printing to the AdobePDF printer instance? Give us some more info on your system - we can see that you're running FM9 p255, but on what o/s? If XP, have you installed the MS hotfix? What's in your FM doc? Did it work before or has it changed and now errors out? Does it update without any errors?




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Apr 03, 2012 Apr 03, 2012

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> Getting back to your issue - how are you trying to create a PDF? Save As or printing to the AdobePDF printer instance?

I've tried in both ways, and it's exactly the same: I get the error.

> If XP, have you installed the MS hotfix?

Windows is regularly updated through Windows Update.

> What's in your FM doc?

The document is based on some tables (it's a pricelist for our products), there are also some links to some .eps files (which are correctly displayed on screen, so the path is correct).

> Did it work before or has it changed and now errors out?

The file (or better the book made of about fifteen FM files) was created by someone else, on another PC. When I open it, I get the error. When I send my files to another person, he can create pdf files without any problem.

> Does it update without any errors?

Yes, I regularly update Framemaker without any error.

Thanks for your help!!




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Apr 03, 2012 Apr 03, 2012

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I realize right now that the hotfix wasn't installled. Now it's installed and... it works!!!




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 03, 2012 Apr 03, 2012

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Hello Antonio,

Can you answer the following questions, so that I may understand the cause for the problem.

1) Is it coming with a specific document or Book in FrameMaker. Please verify with a dummy New Book or Document and see if you are able to reproduce it.

2) Was this Document created on this same machine and Fm9.0.255p OR was it shared with you by someone.

3) Can you try to do File print and select Adobe PDF driver on this and see if that generated the PDF.

4) Were you able to generate a PDF out of this before?

I would look forward to your response.






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Apr 03, 2012 Apr 03, 2012

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> 1) Is it coming with a specific document or Book in FrameMaker. Please verify with a dummy New Book or Document and see if you are able to reproduce it.

The matter is that my document is rather complicated and it’s difficult for me to create something similar. If I create a very simple document with few lines, one drawing and one table, and in this case the pdf is created without any error.

> 2) Was this Document created on this same machine and Fm9.0.255p OR was it shared with you by someone.

The document was created by another person on another machine, I think it was created many years ago and then updated year after year.

> 3) Can you try to do File print and select Adobe PDF driver on this and see if that generated the PDF.

Sorry but I haven’t understood this; can you please explain this?

> 4) Were you able to generate a PDF out of this before?

For a short time I could create a pdf file of this document, but after a while the error appeared again. Before this “short good time” I had re-installed some fonts, but I had all the necessary fonts also before, and in fact now with the same fonts I have the error. Anyway I suspect there might be a relation between fonts and the problem to generate pdf files.

When I get the error I get a .tps file, might this file be useful to understand what's wrong?

Thanks for your help!




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 03, 2012 Apr 03, 2012

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I see!

Now, I would suggest you try these steps one after another and check after each step, if it solves or not and hopefully your problem should get solved --

1) Download and apply the Hotfix and make sure you reboot after that.


2) C:/Windows/System32 Look for FNTCache.DAT and Move it to your dektop and try again.

3) I would advise you to just launch each doucment in the frameMaker Windwo, so that all the documents in side the book would get automatically updated in Fm9 format, like you said, the Book/Documents were created several years agon, it could be a possibility that they are not properly upgarded to your version.

Fonts could be a problem, but first, I would like to see the outcome of these steps.






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Apr 03, 2012 Apr 03, 2012

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Hello again,

I've installed the hotfix (before I didn't know anything about it) and now I can create pdf files without that error! After having installed the hotfix I have also deleted the file FNTCache.dat without trying to create pdf files before, so I don't know if the solution was the hotfix or the .dat file, but I think it was the hotfix.

Thank you both really a lot for your help!!

I have one more question: if I create a pdf file with "save as pdf", press quality, I get a 1.280 kB file while if I print on Adobe pdf (again press quality) I get a 1.710 kB file. What's the reason of the bigger size of the second file? Does this mean that it's better to print on the Adobe pdf printer instead of saving as pdf?




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May 08, 2012 May 08, 2012

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I post again my last question:

I have one more question: if I create a pdf file with "save as pdf", press quality, I get a 1.280 kB file while if I print on Adobe pdf (again press quality) I get a 1.710 kB file. What's the reason of the bigger size of the second file? Does this mean that it's better to print on the Adobe pdf printer instead of saving as pdf?




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New Here ,
Aug 13, 2013 Aug 13, 2013

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I am using FM11.0 on Windows 7. Facing the same issue as above.

"Internal error while creating pdf files"

I have to use the save as pdf as an alternate.

The fixes mentioned above are not avaiable for Windows 7. Kindly Advise ASAP.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 13, 2013 Aug 13, 2013

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Is your copy of FM11 all patched up? Is there something in the FM document that's causing the error when printing to PDF? Does it happen if you try another different doc?




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New Here ,
Aug 13, 2013 Aug 13, 2013

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Thanks for the reply..

No, I could not patch up FM11, as I did not get the patch for Windows7. Kindly provide if you have the same. Yes, the error persists for all PDF's.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 14, 2013 Aug 14, 2013

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No, I meant is your copy of FM11 patched - use the Help > Updates command to check to see if there are any patches to be installed. Is your copy of FM part of the Tech Comm Suite or was it standalone? That will impact your flavour of Acrobat that got installed. If it was part of the TCS or you have the full version, you may also want to check the same in your installation of Acrobat Distiller - I think that there's a "repair" function also on the Help menu.




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New Here ,
Aug 21, 2013 Aug 21, 2013

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Yes, I have updated my copy of FM.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 21, 2013 Aug 21, 2013

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And did that make any difference? Is your copy of FM a standalone copy or is it part of the Tech Comm Suite?




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