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Problem Creating Postscript File with FrameMaker 7.2

New Here ,
Aug 20, 2006 Aug 20, 2006

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My usual book easily goes more than 500 pages with lots of graphics (eps) and text. I am trying to create pdf. My problem is I am unable to print book in one shot - always received error messages. If I break the book and print selected files, I am able to create the postscript files. (I need to break into 5 to 6 postscripts files). But by doing this I lost the link to my TOC when I combine the files into 1 pdf file.

Have anyone encounter this problem before? Any suggestion? (I am using FrameMaker 7.2 and Distiller 6.0).






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Aug 20, 2006 Aug 20, 2006

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What is your error message? What version of Distiller 6 are you running? I'm
unsure, but I thought that Frame 7.2 came with Distiller 7. If so, why did you
not upgrade to Distiller 7?






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Aug 20, 2006 Aug 20, 2006

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Didn't know that Frame7.2 comes with Distiller 7. Maybe this is different for corporate license? Maybe I should check with our IT department and see how our licensing is. I think we bought some licenses for ealier Frame with Distiller 6 but only decided to upgrade Frame to Frame 7.x but not the Distiller. (This is only my guess though.) We have some Distiller 7 licenses but unfortunately I am one of those that have to live with Distiller 6. Or maybe my Distiller license comes with Adobe Acrobat Professional? (my version is also 6).

Let me try create postscript by print book and see what the error message is. I will report later. By the way, most of my colleagues also encounter this same problem from time to time. Some of them are even using Distiller 7.x.

I am using Distiller





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Aug 20, 2006 Aug 20, 2006

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This time I managed to print book - postscipt in Frame7.2. But when I use Distiller 6 to create pdf, this error message is shown:

%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: load ]%%


Got this after pages 294. I have no idea what this is. This type of offending messages usually occurs when the postscript files are large. If I break it to smaller postscript files, then everything is ok. Strange.





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Aug 24, 2006 Aug 24, 2006

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Unfortunately this thread has gotten side-tracked a bit on perhaps an
unrelated issue.

You're specific problem seems to stem from the fact that the
postscript load command is coming back as undefined. From the PS
reference manual, "load":

>searches for key in each dictionary on the dictionary stack, starting with the topmost
>(current) dictionary. If key is found in some dictionary, load pushes the associated
>value on the operand stack; otherwise, an undefined error occurs.

The values popped off the stack seem to suggest that some id's in the
FM document aren't all sent across properly in the PDF.

Check your setting for the Links under Format > Document > PDF
Setup... Links tab. The "Create Named Destinations for All Paragraphs"
option should be enabled. Otherwise FM drops a number of id's *it*
thinks aren't needed in writing the output and you may have references
to these missing ones elsewhere.

You can create your PDF either using the Save As PDF option or
printing to a postscript file and distilling. These all follow the
same route if the "Adobe PDF" printer instance is used in all cases.





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New Here ,
Aug 21, 2006 Aug 21, 2006

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How much memory have you got? And are you doing this stuff over a network?

Cheers, Rebecca





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 21, 2006 Aug 21, 2006

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How much disk space do you have on your PC? It sounds as if you may be running out of temporary file / storage space...

Also, another possible cause you may want to look at is that the error point (such as page 294) contains some PS code or a (maybe PS) graphic that can't be written.






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New Here ,
Aug 21, 2006 Aug 21, 2006

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1adobe user- Distiller is part of the FrameMaker package and hads been for years. Although earlier releases of Distiller did need a registration key to install (key was on the FrameMaker manuals through FM version 6. Distiller , comes with FM 7.x and does not require a license or registration. Be carefull and read the release notes on what version of Distiller and Acrobat is approved for FrameMaker. In otherwords , don't make the mistake and think that all versions work.

On this forum, you will get may people that state that the only way to generate a PDF is through FM using the Adobe PDF printer, I disagree. Even FM tech support and the online help provide procedures on how to generate a PS file first. Suggetion is to add a PS printer to your printers, I use Tektronix Phaser 550J 1200 dpi. Make sure you have the printer files to install (PPD) not just do an add using the OS. Now generate a PS file and then using Distiller, see if you can distill. I've done documents larger than 5oo pages with 500 MB or ram and had no problem.

As to the problem with page 294. Try the following, highlight all files of book less the the file that page 294 is in and select Print Selected files. Create your PS file and PDF, if it works, then take a cloer look at the page in question, mabe you may want to delete the graphic and try a complete Print book, or try re-installing the graphic. One of the reasons I don't use FM to generate a PDF is I don't see what's the problem when it happens. In using a PS file then Dsitiller, you can watch each page called out in the Distiller window and see where/when the error occurs.





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New Here ,
Aug 21, 2006 Aug 21, 2006

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Thanks for all the suggestions. Here are some feedback:

Don't think memory or harddisk space is the problem as I have 1G RAM and 60G harddisk (about 30G freespace left). Though I am connected thru a network, but all my stuffs are stored in my local harddisk.

The same problem occurs again and again, not only for this book. It so happen this book the error is at page 294. Every time when my book is more than 150 pages, similar error occurs. This is why I have always a need to breakup a print book into print selected files. Even for this above book, when I break it into 5-6 ps files, this error will not occur thus I doubt this have anything to do with the graphics.

So far I have always generated my ps files thru Adobe PDF. Let me briefly describe how I do it. I will select Print Selected Files (or Print Book which never work), and check Print to File then set my Printer to Adobe PDF. After generating the ps files, I will then use Distiller to create PDF files. Having all the pdf files, I will then join them up with Adobe Professional to have 1 single book again. This sound complicated doesn't it? Need to perform 3 processes just to get a pdf book. Perhaps I have missed out something. There should be a simpler way!

Not sure how different is my way of creating ps files different from print file with a PS printer? I will search for past topics on this. Another question - if I install a generic PS printer but my printer (print shop) is using some other printer, will there be a conflict or something like that?





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 21, 2006 Aug 21, 2006

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I think printing a ps file using the Adobe PDF distiller printer and then distilling it has the same effect as just printing to the Adobe PDF printer.

On my system, the fix seems to be a function of the Xerox PS driver generating PostScript code that Distiller can process instead of choking on.

Also, if you go hunting for another PS printer driver, make sure you get an Adobe PS driver. H-P for a long time shipped a PS emulater that will cause you even more problems.

Why not ask your print shop what they're using? However, once you get to the PDF, it shouldn't matter.






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New Here ,
Aug 21, 2006 Aug 21, 2006

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Weird. Could be worth checking whether your temp directories are full - maybe you've got heaps of space in general but the temp directory is limited. I don't know which temp directory FM depends on. Can someone else chip in with that info?

Cheers, Rebecca





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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2006 Aug 22, 2006

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"On this forum, you will get may people that state that the only way to generate a PDF is through FM using the Adobe PDF printer, I disagree. Even FM tech support and the online help provide procedures on how to generate a PS file first."

For goodness sakes Sherman, when even Dov Isaacs has bothered to come onto the forum and explain how what you're proposing is pretty much always a Bad Idea, isn't it time for you to drop it? :-/

Anyways, 1adobe_user, you should uninstall the Distiller 6 and install Distiller 7. It's free (or rather, you already paid for it!) and it's better.

"Another question - if I install a generic PS printer but my printer (print shop) is using some other printer, will there be a conflict or something like that?"
Yes, something like that.





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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2006 Aug 22, 2006

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David-- Maybe you should take some time out and try reading Adobe's own online help for FrameMaker 7 on generating PS files and PDF's before you start telling people it's a bad idea. It also might be worth your time in communicating with Adobe's tech support and see what they say also. Here is what the Adobe online help says about PS files and PDF

"If you have Acrobat Distiller installed, you can convert documents to PDF files by creating a PostScript file and then distilling the file yourself. By using Distiller, you can explicitly set some advanced settings having to do with compression, font embedding, and color conversion. However, saving as PDF (see Saving documents and books as Adobe PDF) is often faster and more convenient and produces excellent results. In fact, if you can set up Distiller Job options beforehand, they become available in the Settings section of the PDF Setup dialog box in FrameMaker. Also, if you're working on a platform where Distiller is not available, you can create the PostScript file and then move it to another platform to distill it there."

Rebecca- The temp files may be found in Documents and settings\,yor name>\local settings\temp. To eliminate these temp files and any others you never need, go to Start button>search>For files or folder. In the search for files or folders named enter *.tmp. When the searc is complete, you may highlight these files and do a File>Delete. There may be pop-up messages that some of these tmp files are being used. If this happens and you do have programs open, try closing them down first. By the way FM also generates a large number of FrameLog...Txt files and can be cleared out as well (these are in the FrameMaker7.2 folder

1_adobeuser-- you should not have a page limit in working with FM. Although you work-around may take longer, it works. However this does not solve the problem, there is no reason you can't print from a book as you do from Print Selected Files. I agree with David. The "install" readme file for FM 7.2 states:

It is recommended that you use Distiller 7.0 for optimal PDF creation from FrameMAker 7.2. NOTE: If you have the full verson of Acrobat 6.0 installed you can continue to use the Distiller function installed with Version 6.o, or you can choose Yes to install Distiller 7. Be aware that in order to install the newer version, you will be prompted to uninstall the previous version, which will completlty remove the Acroba 6.0 program files and folder from your system."

To clear out any possible problem with tmp files, follow the procedures outlined for Rebecca.

Suggestion- If you do and you should update distiller, and you have the same problems, this would be the time to call Adobe tech support since you may now fall into the area on problems with new installations.

On David's reply to question on a generic PS printer causing problems with your print shop and conflicts, he would be right if he is talking about creating a PS file and sending that to your printshop.
The conflict would be most likely be a fonts issue if you don't use the standard Type1 fonts in your document and what settings the generic printer has by default.

If David was talking about a PDF that was generated by a generic PS printer and distilled, he would be wrong. One of the advantages of a PDF is that it doesn't care what printer was used to create the PS file and distilled, that PDF will print on a PS printer or any off the shelf printer.

By the way if you print shop uses a RIP you may be able to send them the PS file if you don't need a PDF.

Question-have you tried uninstalling FM and reinstalling it again or installed it on an other PC and had the same problem printing from the book?

I still believe the problem is something on the page that is stopping FM from printing. One other suggestion to see if it's a graphics issue, rename the graphics folder and open your FM document with no graphics and try printing from the book and see if it works.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2006 Aug 22, 2006

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> If David was talking about a PDF that was generated by a generic PS printer
> and distilled, he would be wrong. One of the advantages of a PDF is that it
> doesn't care what printer was used to create the PS file and distilled,

I'm sorry to chip in and say this, but the above shows that you really don't
know what you're talking about. I must conclude that you haven't been around
the FM forums on the Internet when Dov Isaacs was actively posting about PS
and PDF issues. He is *THE* authority at Adobe regarding these issues, and
you should respect him and the knowledge he's been nice enough to share with
FM users over the years. He is *WAY* more knowledgeable on these issues than
the FM manual or Adobe's FM support, believe me.

PostScript is device-dependent. This means that you'll get the best results
by selecting a printer driver when creating PS files that corresponds to the
"device" that you feed the PS file to. If you create PS for the intent of
distilling it into a PDF, then the Acrobat Distiller is the device, and the
printer driver to use is the "Adobe PDF" printer. Period.

Before you scream at me, let me acknowledge that of course you may run into
problems when creating PDFs this way. However, the reason for this is not
that the printer driver was "wrong", and the remedy to *recommend* to others
is not to select another driver. This may work for you or any other person
in your particular situation, but it's still not the real reason behind the
problem or the long-time solution to recommend.

Admittedly, the interaction between FrameMaker and the different Acrobat
components are sensitive to how they were installed and set up, and this
is not handled or documented very well by Adobe. But once you have your
system correctly set up, using the "Adobe PDF" printer is the way to go.

Again, in a particular situation, with approaching deadlines or less than
helpful IT support, you may find that switching to another printer driver
helps you and is a quicker solution. But the recommended long-term solution
is to trouble-shoot and set up your Acrobat installation correctly.

You may choose to not agree with me or to continue arguing your case.
I would still recommend you to find and read the postings made by Dov Isaacs
on this forum and other FM lists.

/Thomas Michanek
FM user since 1990





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Aug 22, 2006 Aug 22, 2006

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I missed your OS. Is it Windows XP?

What printer do you use (in Control Panel > Printers and Faxes)? Adobe Distiller printer? Do you have "Adobe PDF" printer?

Open your FrameMaker book, use File > Save as, select PDF as Save as type. Does that work for you?







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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2006 Aug 22, 2006

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Thanks for the info about how to track down temp files!

And on the rest of the discussion... From Sherman's original comment, I got the impression he thought everyone else was recommending to use Save As PDF and he was recommending to print to postscript then distill the .ps file.

To clarify, that isn't the issue here. Using Save As PDF is almost identical to printing a postscript and then distilling it. With Save As, FM creates a postscript file, distills it, then deletes it. With the print function, you do the distillation step yourself. Once you get the Adobe PDF printer set up and working properly, for almost all PDFs it doesn't matter which of the routes you take.

Cheers, Rebecca





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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2006 Aug 22, 2006

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Thanks for all the suggestions and info.

I am on Windows XP. Have already requested the person-in-charged to check our licensing on Frame 7.x and Distiller 7. I told him they come together and Distiller 7 is free (or we already paid for it). Most probably I will be the one installing that on my PC sometime in the next few days.

When I start distilling (with Distill 6), it creates temp files in Profiles\(my profile)\Temp\Acrobat Distiller 6. After each successful/ unsuccessful distill, all temp files are deleted automatically by Distiller. Unless there is a special setting thru Distiller that limits the size of the temp directory/ files, I don't think temp is the issue here as I still have about 23G of freespace on this harddisk partition.

I have not being in this forum long enough to know who Doc Isaacs is. Will check his past posts on PS. Maybe I am confused but pretty much everyone said so far regarding PS make sense.

I have not tried the Safe As *.pdf feature but I doubt that the outcome will be any difference. Yes, I do have a Adobe PDF setup and I (or actually we) also have some custom setting for our PDF requiment such as number of pixels for images printing etc.

My FrameMaker is basically a new installation. I installed it about a month ago on this new PC. The same issue also pops up with other colleagues (PCs) whom have been using for more then 1 year.





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New Here ,
Aug 22, 2006 Aug 22, 2006

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I tried distilling another book and this time I received the following message:

%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: P144200 ]%%


I created PS file hru Print Book. No pdf were created usig the Safe As pdf method. Again, no problem if I did it my old way - breaking up to smaller ps files and distilling it.





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Aug 23, 2006 Aug 23, 2006

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check your printer settings (if you use Adobe PDF or some other one) and change the default "optimize for speed" to "optimize for portability (or "page independence" or whatever is is called) and try again.






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New Here ,
Aug 23, 2006 Aug 23, 2006

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1_adobe user- Those temp files are not deleated if you have a FM problem. But with 23 GB space, this is not your problem.

In your Aug 22 remarks, you said that you were able to create PS files, but you were still unable to do so for the complete document. As long as you have this problem, the "Save As" will never work.

Is the Error you note the one from the Distiller log when you did a "Save As"?

The more I re-read your problem, the more I believe that there is something wrong with a file in your book and until you can generate a PS file for whole book, you will never fix it by changes to version of Distiller (any release).

Have you tried to create a PS file for only the file that you are having a problem with (where you have to create 2 or more PS files) and see if it generates a PDF. This can be done either through the book or with the file open. I believe all of us would like to know the results.

You also say that other colleagues (PCs)have problems, with long FM files, company format or? If you are share folders, have you tried having one of them try printing the pS file then distilling a PDF for you? This may narrow the problem down?

Although you have set up your Distiller, you can change to other default setting without changing your companies configuration. Have you tried using "standard" as your default setting.

Rebecca-Glad someone else understands the process of creating a PDF.

Thomas- Sorry, but I had no time or need to look through the Forums when Dov Isaacs was around. Until about 2 years ago, I had direct access to Adobe Tech support as a reseller (adobe changed reseller access to free tech support and now charges). Since I don't know anything about this individual, it's hard to respect his knowledge and your thoughts as to what he knows.

Let me say this a different way -either by using my example, "Tektronix 550" PS printer or "Adobe PDF" printer during "Print Book", or using "Save As Book", they all generate a postscript file. Both the "Tektronix 550" PS printer and "Adobe PDF" printer must be distilled to get a PDF, As Rebecca noted, the "Save As Book" also generate a postscript file using the "Adobe PDF" printer and then opens your distiller to generate a PDF, then it deletes the postscript file after distilling.

No matter which of the procedures listed about you use to create a PDF, that PDF that you now have is no longer dependent on the printer used in FrameMaker. If you open this PDF in Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader there is no where in Document Properties that identifies what printer was used in FM to create the PS file. The only thing that you can find out is what version of the PDF Producer (Distiller) was used along with fonts security, etc. (Distiller configuration settings). Anyone can open this PDF (as long as you have Acrobat or Acrobat Reader installed) and print with any printer configured on their system, this is one of the advantages of a PDF. For those that use the Save As to automate the process of creating a PDF are letting Adobe do what others are doing manually.

You said that "If you create a PS for the intent of distilling it into a PDF, then the Acrobat Distiller is the device, and the printer to use is the "Adobe PDF" printer. Period". Suggest that you should take a closer look at the "Acrobat PDF" printer and a configured PS printer. Both have the same Adobe PDF Properties and options, the difference is Printing Preferences. The "Adobe PDF" printer has one additional tab called "Adobe PDF Settings" which are the same settings options in Distiller found from the drop down menus. Did you know that the "Adobe PDF" printer and a correctly installed PS printer use the same PostScript Printer Driver version (currently 5.2 (5.1.2600.1106)) but each uses their own PPD.

So far you keep telling me I'm wrong by generating a PS file and distilling. Let me say that if there is going to be a problem in generating a PS file in your way or mine, that problem will be there in both. And any problem in that PS file will give the same error in distiller, you way or mine. Again, the "As IS" or by distilling a PS file opens the same configured Distiller. In your case you have an option tab called "Settings" in the PDF Setup for Selected Files" that allows you to change the "PDF Job Options" and "page size", before doing the PS and PDF task.

I agree that setting up Distiller is important. I don't follow your remarks on "admittedly, the interaction between FrameMaker and the different Acrobat components are sensitive to how they were installed and setup". Other than where we install a software packages (drive or folder), do we, as the end user, have control of an installation other than a standard or custom install. We do have set-up options. after installation. Sorry but you have not shown any reason that "Adobe PDF" printer as you state "is the way to go".

You also state that " The recommended long-term solution is to trouble-shoot and set up your Acrobat installation correctly". Sorry, Acrobat has nothing to do with the program Distiller. In fact if you don't buy Acrobat, you till get Distiller with FrameMaker, so maybe you should have said "Distiller installation". And yes Distiller needs to be setup depending on what your PDF is to be used for.

Just to let you know I've been a writer and a journalist since 1968 and had have no idea what you mean by your particular situation? Can only say that the manuals and documents I work on are commercially printed and are used by administrators, end users and service individuals. The PDFs that are generated from these documents go on to CDs and DVDs along with products.





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Aug 23, 2006 Aug 23, 2006

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I believe that Thomas was only saying that you were incorrect in using
a postscript printer instance other than the Adobe PDF for creating
the postscript file for distilling. As has been stated numerous times
in these forums, postscript *is* device dependent. One should use the
printer instance (i.e. the combo if the postscript printer driver and
the PPD telling it what the device is capable of) designed for the
desired output. In the case of PDF, it is the Adobe PDF printer
instance. If you use the postscript output from another device, you
may get incorrect margin settings, incorrect specifications about
which fonts are embedded in the "printer", incorrect colour support or
postscript level capabilities, etc. The resulting PDF can be faulty,
e.g. fonts are missing or have been substituted, output has been
clipped, it might only be in grayscale, etc.

You may wish to have a look at the following PDF presentation by Dov
Isaacs at
and closely go through the postscript printer driver setup section.
This describes the tweaks required for the printer instance to get the
optimum postscript output for distilling.

As a journalist and a writer you might also wish to read the following
PlanetPDF interview with Dov at
http://www.planetpdf.com/enterprise/article.asp?contentid=6569&ra to
get a little more perspective on the man.





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Aug 23, 2006 Aug 23, 2006

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Thomas-- there are 400 topics in FrameMaker forum. A search on the name "Doc Isaacs" in this forum turns up just one entry, "1adobe_user" (the one you are reading NOW). Since I don't have time to open and read 400 forum topics, maybe you are willing to share with us where or what topics Doc Isaacs has left his mark?





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 23, 2006 Aug 23, 2006

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If you've been able to get Distiller 7 installed but the problem is still present...

Try opening all the files in the book in FM before printing to eliminate any network timeout issues.

One other thing you may want to check is how full your \temp and\or \Windows\Temp directories are; those are the directories usually used by Distiller as working directories. In particular, aborted processes may leave them littered with temporary files that are sucking up space and should be removed.






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Art- 1adobe already said he has checked his temp files and the size of his HD, he has 23 GB, he's not "sucking up hard disk space". He also has had all files open.

Arnis- Will have to disagree with you also. I have no such problem using postscript printers setup using their PPD and drivers. Where in the word do you get these ideas that the Adobe PDF is the only printer to use and if you don't you get the list you quoted.

And thanks for the links, will check these out now.





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Aug 23, 2006 Aug 23, 2006

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If you could try using the Adobe Generic PS Printer to do a
full-colour edge-edge page with bleeds and let me know if you get a
proper pdf - after all it's just postscript... ;-)





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