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I am using FrameMaker 9.0 on Windows, and I'm trying to add the statement "Page intentionally left blank" on the last page of my chapters. I've found some information online about how to do it, but not step-by-step instructions. I tried each of the solutions (adding a reference frame in the reference pages, adding a new master page), but for some reason, I can't get this to work. I also tried just manually typing the line in, but that's risky because I'll probably forget some in the final edit and/or I'll add/delete text and the pagination will change.
Sorry if this has been posted before. I did a search and couldn't find it.
Thanks in advance for your help!
1 Correct answer
Hi meganew,
I set mine up on a reference page. Created a page size reference frame (See below for instructions on a ref frame.) and then a text box (of course, it has to be placed in the frame correctly for your format.) in it with "This page intentionally left blank." Then created a para format called blank page. In the para designer, click on the advanced icon and select the drop down arrow beside Frame Below pgf. Whatever you have named the frame on the reference page will be in the drop down
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I found a writeup in Wikipedia that descibes the symbol we are looking for. It's called a tombstone and originated with magazine articles, and then was adopted by mathemeticians as an end of proof symbol.
Take your pick.
Michael F
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Except that blank pages aren't always the end pages.
We often set "Top of Left" page on content that needs to face the next right page. This has a 50% chance of causing a blank page just prior to the lefty.
TOCs are duplex as a rule here, but may have only one page worth of entries, so the following page is blank.
Such pages, if they need anything at all, need an "empty" glyph rather than a "That's All, Folks" glyph.
We do always use the enterprise address block as the last element on the bottom of the last actual page, which is always a left page.
Some older manuals omitted that, and you could never tell if that was intended to be the end, or if some content didn't get rendered (and that happened).
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For what it is worth...
Our manuals are printed duplex. All pages have a header and a footer. The last page in a chapter may or may not have content, but it always has a header and footer.
To my knowledge, no customer has ever enquired whether something is missing from the page.
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lolol....that is a good thing I guess. We definately have people that ask about things you wouldn't imagine...lol
I actually had someone call because the manual update pages weren't correct......come to find out they only looked at the front of pages, not front and back of pages....so you never know....
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I think comedian Bill Engvall (http://www.billengvall.com) would say to those customers who can't understand a blank page, "Here's your sign."
There are just too many common sense things you can't include in a manual.
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lolol!!! Yeah you would think...that doesn't work in our world..... There are many common sense things we have to include that most people would think "Here;s your sign."
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Has anyone been able to successfully make a case with TPTB for using the magazine technique of ending articles with a graphic symbol, on the last-populated chapter page?
Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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Thanks again for all of your comments (and the humor!). I've been a writer/editor for almost 20 years, and this is the first time I've had to add "Page intentionally left blank." I don't like it, but when you work for the military, you do what they want... Pretty sure "here's your sign" wouldn't work for my purposes, but I like it better! As Error 7103 pointed out, as soon as I put the text on the page, it's no longer blank!
I also use headers/footers/page numbers on each page, but when in France...
Thanks again!
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For the military, huh? Then the sign, er, notice should be:
Page intentionally infiltrated by misleading counter-intelligence.
If anyone asks what that means, tell them it's classified.
Michael F.
Here's Your Sign
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