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We are using FrameMaker 2019 and are looking to publish our next document. While the publishing is faster and somewhat easier, I'm getting unwanted Dita labels in my output, mainly the Context and Result labels that are associated with Dita tasks. I understand I may need to remove these from my FM template files - is this correct? Can I turn off just Context or Result, or both? And how would I go about removing these labels? Many thanks!
1 Correct answer
OK, after you've edited the file, open then click Edit > Update References to pull in the changes. Save task.edd. Then open and click File > Import > EDD and choose task.edd. Save the template.
(Of course backup the files before you change them in case something breaks. Also, you can either run FM as an administrator to be able to save the files directly or save them somewhere else and copy them back into the normal location.)
Now if you click File >
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The labels are either defined in the numbering part of the paragraph format which is controlled by the template file, or are defined directly within the EDD.
Context and result are prefix added by To get rid of them you need to delete this rule under the context element:
Prefix rules
1. In all contexts.
Prefix: Context:
Text range.
Use character format: step.callouts
And under the results element delete:
Prefix rules
1. In all contexts.
Prefix: Result:
Text range.
Use character format: step.callouts
If I remember rightly, once you've done this, you need to refresh the so it pulls in the updated info, then apply the new task.edd to your file, and then you'll probably want to make the same changes to your output edd and template (in my setup that's and
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This is very helpful, thank you. This is the first I've heard of this Where do I find this file?
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Mine is here:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe FrameMaker 2019\Structure\xml\DITA_1.3\app\technicalContent\edd\
The path is similar for FM 2017 but under program files (x86).
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OMG, thanks again. I would have been looking a while. These are some of my frustrations with FrameMaker - there are support files all over the place that are needed to make things work. I would not say finding one's way around is intuitive.
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Agreed. This forum definitely helps though. This is where I came to figure it out. There's still a lot I have to learn!
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I gather you are working in DITA, did you also have to remove these labels from your Task outputs? We moved from 2017 to 2019 and I have since deleted the 2017 install. Perhaps in our 20170 these EDD files were already customized - but our software developer who spearheaded FrameMaker for us has since moved on.
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Yes I did. Our company did a branding update so I had to remake all our templates and no-one knew how, so I've had fun learning... I needed to modify the note prefix too, (which is in the
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Just one more thing...yeah right
You mentioned the following:
If I remember rightly, once you've done this, you need to refresh the so it pulls in the updated info, then apply the new task.edd to your file, and then you'll probably want to make the same changes to your output edd and template (in my setup that's and
How do I go about "refreshing" the file? I didn't know there was a file, I thought the only template I was using was, like you, the file.
In regards to the output edd, what would I have to to do the file?
Sorry, likely asking one too many questions, but this is worth the effort - still better than unwrapping the Context tag. You have been very helpful!
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OK, after you've edited the file, open then click Edit > Update References to pull in the changes. Save task.edd. Then open and click File > Import > EDD and choose task.edd. Save the template.
(Of course backup the files before you change them in case something breaks. Also, you can either run FM as an administrator to be able to save the files directly or save them somewhere else and copy them back into the normal location.)
Now if you click File > New > DITA > task, you'll see that the context label is gone. These changes affect how dita files are displayed within FrameMaker. However they don't affect how anything is published - the next steps fixed the output for me:
Open (it's here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe FrameMaker 2019\Structure\xml\DITA\app\DITA-Composite-FM) find the context and result elements, and delete the prefix rules in the same way that you did in Save the file.
Open and (or just if you're using an earlier version of DITA). Use File > Import > EDD to import the into these two files. save them into their original locations. Now your published output should be good.
If you only care about the published output and not how things display when you're working with the base DITA files then you only need to change the composite, chapterOutput, and ditabase1.3, but I find it helpful to have things look consistent all the way through the editing process, so I make my changes in both places.
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Wow, thank you. Have you thought about contacting Adobe and having them put you on the payroll?
I think I have everything I need to give this a try.
Only hangup I've having is my system is not giving me write privileges to the folder containing the file. This could be an Adobe thing where they wish to leave these files undisturbed. I've had this before with FrameMaker, where some of the deeper nested folders containing template files are "locked".
Thanks again!
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I get round that by choosing save as, saving the file somewhere else, then copying and pasting the file back into the original location.
Alternatively you can right click on FrameMaker in the start menu and choose More > Run as administrator and then you can probably save the files directly.
It's no trouble - I've been figuring this out quite recently and ask my share of questions too.
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I am strongly hoping someone may see this tread.
I finally got around to trying the edits to the various EDD files, but with no luck.
Firstly, I've edited the and updated I did this both in the DITA 1.2 and DITA 1.3 folders, but it it didn't take. When I restart FM and open a new task, when I insert the Context Element, I still see the label.
Now as to the file, I cannot even see the the Prefix Rules that I need to edit - at least not for the Context element.
Perhaps my 2019 FM root files are not the ones being referenced by my version of FM.
Any suggestions by anyone would be most helpful!
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Did you import the updated EDD into the templates?
For task.edd, you want these changes to apply to the file. So:
Open and Use File > Import > EDD to import the into the template file. Save the template file into its original location. Now when you open a task you should see the effect of the changes you made.
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I am wondering if anyone else still has this issue. I have tried repeatedly the great instruction from Kat, but no luck.
The latest is when I try to update reference with the file, I get a text inset error message.
I would like to hear from someone at Adobe who could walk me through this. I have been beating my head for months trying to fix this with no resolution.
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Can you please drop me an email with a sample content and what you would like to be removed from the PDF.
Amitoj Singh
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Will do! Thanks,
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Bit of an update. While I haven't had luck getting this to work I finally got around to it. I was getting "text inset" error message when doing an Update Reference of the file with the file. I finally converted all the linked files in the to text so I could remove the prefix labels. What a chore! The about of updating and referencing of these EDD files just to get these prefixes removes is mind blowing.
Then to have to do it all over again for the and finally update the template files. I count no less than FIVE files that need to be updated in order to make these things go away.
An no information in the manuals on how to do this!