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Hi experts,
I want to replace a condition format A by format B.
The current TR contains format A (but of course may also contain other condition formats, such as C).
The following code works only partially:
ApplyCondFmt = function (oDoc, oTR, sFormat) { /* =========================
Arguments oDoc Document to be handled
oTR Text range to receive the new format
sFormat Name of Conditon format (was selected from catalogue)
var oCondFmt, oProps, iPropIndex;
oCondFmt = oDoc.GetNamedCondFmt(sFormat);
if(!oCondFmt.ObjectValid()) return; // emergency exit
oProps = oDoc.GetTextPropVal (oTR.beg, Constants.FP_InCond);
oProps.propVal.osval[0] = oCondFmt; // new format
oDoc.SetTextPropVal (oTR, oProps); // seems to do nothing
} // --- end ApplyCondFmt ------------------------------------------------
And of course I have no idea how to replace the format if there is more than one entry in osval ...
Comparing RemoveCondFmtFromText with Rick's removeCondFmtFromPgf I found that also oProps.propVal.isval must be handled:
KLD_Z.RemoveConditionsFromText = function (oDoc, oTR, sCondFmt) { // ============
/* Remove selected condition format
Arguments oDoc Current document
oTR Text range with the condition
sCondFmt Condition format (name) to be removed
Returns Modified Text range
Reference https://community.adobe.c
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I don't have time to test exactly what you are doing, but some of this code may help.
function removeCondFmtFromRow (row, condFmt) {
var condFmts, i;
// Get a list of the conditions applied to the row.
condFmts = row.InCond;
// Loop through the condition format names that are applied to the row.
for (i = 0; i < condFmts.length; i += 1) {
// See if the format should be removed.
if (condFmts[i].Name === condFmt.Name) {
// Remove it from the list. (condFmts, i, 1);
if (condFmts.length !== row.InCond.length) {
// Conditions were removed; apply the updated list back to the row.
row.InCond = condFmts;
function removeCondFmtFromPgf (textList, pgf, doc, condFmt) {
var end = Constants.FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET, begin = 0, textRange, prop, i;
// Loop through the text property changes in the paragraph.
for (i = textList.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
// Loop through them and see if a Condition format has been changed.
if (Constants.FTF_CONDITIONTAG & textList[i].idata) {
begin = textList[i].offset;
if (begin !== end) {
// Make a text range for the unique condition format combination.
textRange = new TextRange (new TextLoc (pgf, begin), new TextLoc (pgf, end));
prop = doc.GetTextPropVal (textRange.beg, Constants.FP_InCond);
// Make sure one or more conditions formats are applied.
if (prop.propVal.osval.length > 0) {
prop = removeCondFmtFromList (prop, condFmt);
// Apply the updated list back to the text range.
doc.SetTextPropVal (textRange, prop);
end = begin;
if (end !== begin) {
// A condition may be applied to the entire paragraph.
textRange = new TextRange (new TextLoc (pgf, begin), new TextLoc (pgf, end));
prop = doc.GetTextPropVal (textRange.beg, Constants.FP_InCond);
if (prop.propVal.osval.length > 0) {
prop = removeCondFmtFromList (prop, condFmt);
// Apply the updated list back to the text range.
doc.SetTextPropVal (textRange, prop);
function removeCondFmtFromList (prop, condFmt) {
var count, i;
count = prop.propVal.osval.length;
for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
if (prop.propVal.osval[i].Name === condFmt.Name) { (prop.propVal.osval, i, 1); (prop.propVal.isval, i, 1);
return prop;
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Rick, thank You very much for your immediate response.
I have however a problem with the following script:
KLD_F.RemoveConditionsFromText = function (oDoc, oTR, sCondFmt) { // ======
var j, aoCondFmts, oCondFmt, oProps;
oProps = oDoc.GetTextPropVal (oTR.beg, Constants.FP_InCond);
aoCondFmts = oProps.propVal.osval;
if (aoCondFmts.length === 0) {
for (j = 0; j < aoCondFmts.length; j += 1) {
if (aoCondFmts[j].Name == sCondFmt) { (aoCondFmts, j, 1); // <<<<<<<
if (aoCondFmts.length !== oProps.propVal.osval.length) {
oProps.propVal.osval = aoCondFmts;
oDoc.SetTextPropVal (oTR, oProps);
} //--- end RemoveConditionsFromText ----------------------------------
As soon as the line indicated (<<<<) is executed, also oProps.propVal.osval is updated. Hence the final clause is always false and hence oDoc.SetTextPropVal (oTR, oProps); is not executed. Thus the condition is not removed.
The rason might be, that assignent of an object does not create a new object, but only new pointer. But how to cope with this?
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Strange for me is that the counterpart for deleting conditions in Row works as intended:
KLD_F.RemoveCondFmtFromRow = function (oDoc, oRow, sCondFmt) { // ===============
var j, aoCondFmts;
aoCondFmts = oRow.InCond; // Get list of the conditions applied to the row
if (aoCondFmts.length === 0) {
return; // No conditions are applied to the row
// Loop through the format names in the row.
for (j = 0; j < aoCondFmts.length; j += 1) {
if (aoCondFmts[j].Name == sCondFmt) { // Should format be removed? (aoCondFmts, j, 1); // Remove it from the list
if (aoCondFmts.length !== oRow.InCond.length) {
oRow.InCond = aoCondFmts; // Conditions were removed; apply the updated list
} //--- end RemoveCondFmtFromRow ------------------------------------
So I definitely need a detective with the magnifying glass...
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Strange for me is that the counterpart for deleting conditions in Row works as intended:
KLD_F.RemoveCondFmtFromRow = function (oDoc, oRow, sCondFmt) { // ===============
var j, aoCondFmts;
aoCondFmts = oRow.InCond; // Get list of the conditions applied to the row
if (aoCondFmts.length === 0) {
return; // No conditions are applied to the row
// Loop through the format names in the row.
for (j = 0; j < aoCondFmts.length; j += 1) {
if (aoCondFmts[j].Name == sCondFmt) { // Should format be removed? (aoCondFmts, j, 1); // Remove it from the list
if (aoCondFmts.length !== oRow.InCond.length) {
oRow.InCond = aoCondFmts; // Conditions were removed; apply the updated list
} //--- end RemoveCondFmtFromRow ------------------------------------
So I definitely need a detective with the magnifying glass...
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Comparing RemoveCondFmtFromText with Rick's removeCondFmtFromPgf I found that also oProps.propVal.isval must be handled:
KLD_Z.RemoveConditionsFromText = function (oDoc, oTR, sCondFmt) { // ============
/* Remove selected condition format
Arguments oDoc Current document
oTR Text range with the condition
sCondFmt Condition format (name) to be removed
Returns Modified Text range
History 2022-08-01
var j, n, oProps;
oProps = oDoc.GetTextPropVal (oTR.beg, Constants.FP_InCond); // conditions
n = oProps.propVal.osval.length;
if (n == 0) {
return; // No conditions are applied to the text range
for (j = 0; j < n; j += 1) { // Loop through the applied condition names
if (oProps.propVal.osval[j].Name == sCondFmt) { // To be removed? (oProps.propVal.osval, j, 1); (oProps.propVal.isval, j, 1);
if (oProps.propVal.osval.length != n) { // oProps have been changed
oDoc.SetTextPropVal (oTR, oProps);
} //--- end RemoveConditionsFromText ----------------------------