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Scaling Images in Structured FrameMaker

New Here ,
Aug 16, 2011 Aug 16, 2011

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I need to modify a FrameMaker template that displays the photos and professional information for a list of managers. The image for the first manager who appears under the subhead for each department is automatically scaling up 150% when the xml file is imported into the FrameMaker template. The remaining manager’s images are importing at 100%.

I need to scale this first manager’s image down to 100% so that this first manager’s photo is the same size as the other managers that appear in that department.

The template is pulling the manager’s photo (a .tif file) from a shared server. I checked the dimensions for the image on the server, and it is the same size as the other manager images.

I have checked the xsl file, the EDD, and the FrameMaker Rules file, and can’t locate the code that I need to modify in order to fix this.

Is there a setting in the FrameMaker template that I need to modify?  How do I adjust the scaling for these images so that they import to the correct size?







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Guide ,
Aug 16, 2011 Aug 16, 2011

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To my knowledge, there is nothing in the EDD that will set the image scaling. Scaling is done by the read/write rules. Read the chapter "Translating Graphics and Equations" in the Developing Structured Applications guide that comes with FrameMaker.

In addition, I would check:

1. You say all the tiff images have the same size. Do you mean pixel width by pixel height? Or physical width and height? In any event, open each up in an image editor (eg, Photoshop) and check that they all have the same resolution, the same pixel width, and the same pixel height.

2. Check the XML to make sure it is using the same attributes (if any) for each image. From the chapter listed in the first paragraph above, you will find that FrameMaker scales graphics according to which attributes are set in the XML. So, maybe the first image has its attributes set differently than the remaining ones.

In general, if all the images are the same size at the same resolution and the XML specifies them all in the same way with the same attributes and attribute values, they should all import at the same size. There is nothing that treats the first one differently.

Hope this helps,






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New Here ,
Aug 16, 2011 Aug 16, 2011

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Thanks for the info





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