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Some de-installations are not kosher

Community Expert ,
Jan 13, 2023 Jan 13, 2023

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After solving the issue reported by https://community.adobe.com/t5/framemaker-discussions/we-can-t-verify-your-subscription-status/td-p/... I decided to de-install Acrobat DC Reader, because I stated that I anyway most time need to use Acrobat 2017 Standard, which I also have installed.

However, since the removal of the cloud App Acrobat DC it was not possible to open Acrobat by double click on the PDF file. All links found to cure this problem propose the following :

  1. Choose any PDF file.
  2. Right click on it and choose properties
  3. Under properties on General tab you will see open with and on the right there is a Change button.
  4. Clicking on the change button you will now have the capability to choose on which application will you use to open the PDF files.
  5. Choose Adobe Acrobat xxx on the list, then click OK.
  6. Once back on the properties menu just click apply, then OK.

However, after that procedure (even if selecting the application from the file location where it is installed) I still have “Opens with: Unknown application”. → Loop, endless.

So I dived into the Registry and found this: Although a directory C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC no more exist after de-installation of Acrobat DC I found many occurrences of the data string C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe in the registry.

After deleting relevant keys the problem was solved: a double click on a PDF file opens Acrobat 2017 Standard as expected.

→ Obviously the de-installation of Acrobat DC was not complete.

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