Sherman - I've tried every possible path from FrameMaker document to PDF, including hand-cranked processes using a variety of PS print drivers and reducing the resolutions to dot-matrix levels. The fix is very hit-or-miss.
Bernd - your situation is similar to mine. I finally got my critical document to print by using a different PS driver (a Xerox RIP, can't recall exactly which model at this moment.) Then I went to print out a companion document a few days later... same round of problems that I could not fix.
So I went to reinstall Frame 6 on my system... and ran into the "too much memory" problem. I reset the virtual memory down to ridiculous levels (100 MB) and still got errors.
So - I installed Frame 6 on my new system, a dual-Opteron monster with not 2GB, but 4GB of RAM. Perhaps it's the better memory management of that system (with Windows XP64) but I had no problem and printed the document (via print to PS and manual processing to PDF) just fine.
Then I zipped up the Frame 6 installation and dumped it on the older system, where it works fine except for the persistent registry warnings - which I'll fix when I have a moment. However, THE SAME DOCUMENT, when saved from Frame 7.2 into v6 format, and opened in Frame 6, caused the same missing-text problems through several approaches.
I might be stating the obvious, but this is a major, major bug and it lies wholly within Adobe's product circle. It should not have existed with the final release or at least should have been fixed early on... yet here we are more than a year into it with no fix in sight (except a crappy, half-effective workaround).
And I have discovered, to my frustration and dismay, that InDesign makes a very poor substitute for Frame when doing long documents. Part of it was unfamiliarity with things like flowing text over multiple pages, but after an hour's work I still had nothing that looked like my relatively simple Frame document... and I had to spend two hours on the above process to get the stupid thing to PDF so I could get it to the client.
I realize FrameMaker is a minor product and an unwanted stepchild, without the glitz, glamor and recognition of Photoshop or Premiere, but really, Adobe... this clusterf*ck is beneath you!
┋┊ InDesign to Kindle (& EPUB): A Professional Guide, v3.1 ┊ (Amazon) ┊┋