Two Table columns on same page
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I am trying to make an Illustrated Parts List with two columns on the same page that have the same heading.
Nomenclature I Part Number I Cage Code I I Nomenclature I Part Number I Cage Code
Whenever I try to insert the Table it automatically goes to the Right column no matter what I tell it to do (Top of Page, Top of Column) and sometimes it will even jump down to the following page. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? What process do other users go through to do this?
Thank you!
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Hi DJTOregon:
Would you mind sharing a screen shot of the table as it is now with Borders and Text Symbols showing?
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Sure. Thank you.
The left column is being treated as the dominant column for some reason. Is there a better way to do this? It also won't line up. I need the content to start in the left table and carry over to the right column when full. Any ideas? What process would you go through?
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What do you mean by pagination properties? Is there a screen shot I can show you?
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- Open the Paragraph Designer. (Format > Paragraphs > Paragraph Designer)
- Click the Pagination tab.
- Tell us what the selections are for Start and for Format.
You basically want the table to snake from the bottom of the left frame to the top of the right frame, correct?
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Yes. That is exactly what I want. Here is a screen shot of what it's doing with the settings I have. It jumps all over the place. Is there a different approach I should be taking?
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What are the pagination properties of the paragraph to which the tables are anchored?
On the column top alignment, see this hack.
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What do you have your table set to for the number of rows to keep together? And just to verify, you have a single text flow that is split into two columns, correct?
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I'm not really sure how the text flow works or how to even check it.
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It's set at just two columns. I basically want it to read left to right and can't get it to work.
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1. View > Master Pages
How many Master pages do you have? Only 1 (Right) or 2 (Left and Right)?
2. Hold the control key down and left click on the left edge of the column on the left.
Is the big frame selected, surrounding both columns, or just the frame on the left?
Or does it look like this?
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1. I have two master pages, one right, one left.
2. I opened the Master Page and did what you said. It highlights the entire thing as shown.
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OK, I'm not positive, but it looks to me as if you might have two frames sitting on top of each other. Try left clicking on the frame and dragging it down and to the side a bit.
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I don't. It's just one frame. I used the following process:
1. View> Master Pages
2. Format > Page Layout > Column Layout
3. I chose Two columns
Doesn't flow properly
Is there something else I can be doing or another way I can try?
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Your IPL is going to be a structured document, where the CALS table model will manage the layout better than the 2c page you're working with right now.
Try posting in the structured Fm forum so folks with IPLs of their own can weigh in.
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