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unresolved cross- reference

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Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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I'm working with FM 2019. When I open my book I get some warring messages I have unresolved cross-references. There used to be a pod to see all of these. Has that gone bye-bye or am I missing something?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

Of course, you can always use Find/Change to search for Cross-Reference - Unresolved.

Also, try opening all files in your book. If there are dialogs related to missing resources (fonts, images, etc.) then the missing xref messages may simply indicate that Fm can't access the files.


Community Expert ,
Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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IIRC there's a Console pane that appears now in FM2019 (used to be a separate floating window session IIRC) - you can turn on/off the Console via the Prefs screen - I think it was the "show file translation errors" field??




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Community Expert ,
Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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IIRC, if you enable automatic updates for a file (Edit > Update References > All Cross-References), you'll see a window that tells you how many unresolved xrefs are in the file when you open it. You'll still need to use Find/Replace - Unresolved Cross References to find them and fix them.




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Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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Look at View > Cross References.

It's subtle, but there's both a Cross Reference and a Cross References pod.

-Matt Sullivan
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant




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Community Expert ,
Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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Of course, you can always use Find/Change to search for Cross-Reference - Unresolved.

Also, try opening all files in your book. If there are dialogs related to missing resources (fonts, images, etc.) then the missing xref messages may simply indicate that Fm can't access the files.

-Matt Sullivan
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant




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Feb 01, 2019 Feb 01, 2019

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That's the answer I was looking for, thanks




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New Here ,
Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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Well, if Adobe would only make it that easy. I have all my book files open and when I update my book, having everything checked, including update all cross references, the book error log window tells me that I have a bunch of unresolved cross references. When clicking on those links, I am routed to the correct chapter, but there is no indication where that unresolved cross reference actually is. When I use the Find/Change Unresolved cross references option it tells that there are no unresolved cross references. When doing what you are suggesting above, I get that window that should allow me to find the unresolved cross reference, but IT DOESN'T EITHER. FrameMaker used to be a really great and solid publishing tool, but you guys have apparently ruined it completely. All the great features that used to work either work badly or not at all. It is getting worse with every release. You guys completely ignore the decades long complaints about FM features and just make it worse with every release. And to top it all off, it is getting more expensive with every release and one can't even buy it anymore, one has to lease it, one has become the proverbial cash cow. It's absolutely shameful.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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Do you have xrefs that have been conditioned? If the xref is hidden, it will flag as being unresolved but the Find/Replace won't see it when you look for it because, of course, it's hidden.


I've had this happen. What I do is turn on all conditions so everything is visible, update to make sure none of the xrefs are unresolved, then hide the conditions that aren't needed for an output and reupdate for the TOC and the visible xrefs. FM will still gripe about unresolved xrefs, but you can ignore the message since you just checked to be sure everything was linked properly.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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@Simone5CDE - You know you're not talking to Adobe Support here, right? This is just a user-to-user forum with occasional staff popping in.
Can you post a screenshot of what's going on? Usually, the busted xref tells you exactly what it is looking for.




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New Here ,
Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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Yes I do. And no, I simply don't have the time to take screen shots and post them. For crying out loud, all I wanted was to get an answer on how to get rid of these damn unresolved x-refs every time I update my book. I have tried all that was suggested here and nothing changes this issue. As I had stated before, Adobe FM has gotten worse with each release. If there was something out there that more resembles the old FM, when it was actuall working well and was very stable and would work in Windows 10 I would go for it in a heartbeat. I simply don't have the time to search forums for this bs. But, hey, thanks for responding to my post. I am not hopeful this will be resolved any time soon. Gotta get back to work.




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Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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Did you try Lin's suggestion of showing all conditional text?




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Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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Or did you try Bob Nyland's suggestion about searching for it in an orphaned Master Page?


In both cases (orphaned master page or xrefs hidden by applied conditions), FM is actually doing what it is designed to do, it's just being very sneaky about it.




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New Here ,
Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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Actually, that's not true. I have been using FM for over 2 decades and I remember very clearly that there were releases out there where when you clicked on the book error links you would actually be moved directly to the problem. And when you performed a search for unresolved x-refs, you also would be told where to find the issue. And that is no longer happening. The tool for unresolved x-refs is no longer working the way it used to, that is a fact. There was no having to research forums to help resolve this type of issue, because it didn't exist.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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I've been using FM since 1990 or so.


As long as the unresolved xref is in the same view as I am in (that is, on a Body page if that's the view I am using, on a Master page if that's the view I am using), then clicking on a link in the Book Error log has, and still does, take me to where that link is. If I am in Body view and the link is on the Master page, that won't work. 


You also need to have your text symbols turned on in the event that the xref has had a condition applied and the condition is set to Hide, because otherwise FM will move you to the right spot and you won't be able to see it.


Lastly, we are trying to help you and all you're doing is complaining. I get that you're frustrated, but this is not a good way to encourage us. 




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Community Expert ,
Dec 21, 2020 Dec 21, 2020

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Oh, yes, and given that you've been using FM so long, can we assume you've done a MIF wash?


You really need to supply more information. What version of FM are you working on? What OS? When you click the link in the Book Error log, does it go to a different file at all or does it just stay where it is?




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Jan 05, 2021 Jan 05, 2021

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What mythical era of an "old FrameMaker" that was more solid and stable are you referring to? Been using it since 7.2 and it's way better now than ever. Documentation and support is awful, I'll give you that. I assume you're on deadline and stressed.


If you want to try solving your issue old school style: https://www.peachpit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=23292. Or you could just Save As .mif, then open and save as .fm and see what happens (as suggested in this thread under "mif wash" and referenced here in one of the very first results on Google: https://community.adobe.com/t5/framemaker/keep-getting-quot-unresolved-cross-reference-quot-but-can-...).


Here's another test you can try: Create a new cross ref, but put it somewhere else in the file for testing purposes. Leave the "broken" one there. Do you now have more broken cross refs? If not, delete the old one. Cut and paste the new one to the desired location.


Also, over time, I've found that even if I can't get a quick solution here, it's worth pursuing the thread for future reference and learning opportunities. If none of this resolved your issue, you should still post your follow-up info. Or, maybe, you know... let us know that one of these solutions worked. Sooner or later there will be some poor Frame user weeping at their desk as the final hours until deadline tick down and they can't generate their files. And that poor person could really use a solution.




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New Here ,
Jan 05, 2021 Jan 05, 2021

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Hm, I have been working with FM since version 5.0, it wasn't part of Adobe at that time. And yes, I was very stressed and very frustrated. I appologize for having been so irate. It just has been getting to me, software companies giving a rats behind about their users and are just interested in increasing their profit margins forever and ever at any cost. So again, I am very sorry for having been so mean and thank you for your extreme patience.





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Community Expert ,
Mar 09, 2021 Mar 09, 2021

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Yes. I also notice this issue.

Sometimes FrameMaker updates a book and reports that there are unresolved cross-references, but it cannot find them.

When this happens, the report is not correct.

I wrote a bug report on the Adobe Tracker:


When you vote for it, it will get more attention.




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Mar 09, 2021 Mar 09, 2021

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I also did vote it up. There also seems to be a problem with the Tracker site. I've experienced this issue for the 2. time in a while. I can't vote for issues on Chrome but it functions when I change my browser. Is there a separate forum for the Tracker forum issues 🙂




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Mar 09, 2021 Mar 09, 2021

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You can add a bug report in the Adobe Tracke and select Adobe Tracker [TKR] as product.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 09, 2021 Mar 09, 2021

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@Winfried Reng, I voted (the first one!).


Also, I had to write a post on x-refs for an upcoming class, and since this thread is still active as of this morning, I thought it might be helpful to others struggling with unresolved cross-references.







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Community Expert ,
Mar 09, 2021 Mar 09, 2021

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Added my own vote, along with the following comment:


When this happens to me, it usually seems to be connected to the presence of either a marker or a reference to something hidden by a condition. I've learned to ignore it when no unresolved xrefs are found during a search, but it would be nice if it didn't happen in the first place, especially as it always gives dire warnings about how the INDEX can't be formatted properly even when there isn't an index!




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