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FrameMaker 9 - Internal Error 9004, 6921628, 9677518, 0 when launching

New Here ,
Jan 30, 2013 Jan 30, 2013

Hi Adobe community,

I have been assisting a user with this FrameMaker 9 issue that has been returning many many times. When she launches FM9, she gets an Internal Error.


The workaround is to rename the Linguistics folder to something else relaunch FrameMaker 9 which will create a new Linguistics folder. However, the issue returns almost every month and we are not sure why. Any advice on how to prevent the Linguistics folder from being corrupted?

One thing to note is that the user has FrameMaker 7.2 and FrameMaker 10 installed concurrently. She often has FM 9 and FM 10 open at the same time.

Here is the *.txt file that the error message is referring to:

  === Header Begin ===

Internal Error: 9004, 6921628, 9677518, 0

FrameMaker 9.0.0 for Intel

Build: 9.0p255

Window System: MSWindows

Operating System: Windows NT 6.1 (major.minor.build: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)

Generated on: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:13:04 PM

To file: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\9\FrameLog_13.01.30_16.13.04.txt

=== Header End ===

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Jan 30, 2013 Jan 30, 2013

If it's the Linguistics issue that keeps recurring, then it's possible that there may be hardware issues on that platform, i.e. disk write caching isn't working properly - getting flushed before operations complete, or bad tracks/sectors on the disk or some other gremlins.

Having multiple versions installed concurrently isn't an issue for FM (I have all versions going back to 6.0 on one machine). However, I'm kind of wondering if concurrently running more recent versions, like FM9 & FM10, might also be contributory factor. AFAIK, there's only one Linguistics folder for each user that gets setup, so if both apps are vying for the same files, there may be collisions and possibly corruptions taking place. Any specific reason why both versions need to be open at the same time?

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New Here ,
Jan 31, 2013 Jan 31, 2013

Thanks for the info Arnis. I think for now I'll inform the user to try using only one FrameMaker software at a single time to see if it helps. As far as I know, the reason why she uses both currently because of compatibility issues between the two versions and working in both version concurrently would be more efficient.

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 08, 2014 Jul 08, 2014

I have Frame 9 patched fully, patch 4, in Windows 7 Ultimate running in VMmare Fusion fully updated. I get this error every time I start Frame.

I have the same Frame version and updates running in the same Windows Ultimate running on Parallels Desktop 9, fully updated and it runs fine, no issues at all.

I have removed Frame in VMware several times. completely, with YourUninstaller which cleans all files, folders, and registry entries to no avail. I have deleted and/or renamed the Linguistics folder several times. Changed the maker.ini "sitedictionary=" entry to no avail, (I saw this in another post on another discussion site", didn't work... A side note, Frame 12 runs fine on the VMware machine...

I am at a loss other than Frame 9 and VMware Fusion are not compatible for some crazy reason. Any ideas?



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Jul 09, 2014 Jul 09, 2014


I really don't know about this type of configuration, other than a number of reports of greater instability of FM under a virtual machine on Macs.

If FM12 is running fine in that configuration, then why use FM9? It was the first (worst) implementation with the OWL interface and most of the bugs/glitches have been cleaned up by the time FM12 rolled around.

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 09, 2014 Jul 09, 2014


I use both by necessity. Cant read files newer than FM9 in FM9 and FM9 is

what my company is using...

If Adobe would go back to supporting OSX in addition to Microsloth crap we

wouldn't have these issues...

Thanks for the response, maybe someone out there has some ideas...


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Jul 09, 2014 Jul 09, 2014

From FM12 you can always save as MIF, which FM9 can read (it will just ignore any newer features, such as Object Styles). If you get Cudspan's SafetyMIF utility, it will always save a MIF file along with the FM binary. See: Cud Project: CudSpan Plug-ins Page

When you launch FM9 in your VM environment, watch the Splash screen. It numerates the major modules as they load. Noting at which one (if it's consistent) FM crashes may provide some additional clues as to which direction to proceed. Also, if you have any third-party plug-ins loaded, you might want to comment these out of your maker.ini and/or remove them from the fminit\plugins folder(s).

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