/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/p-support-for-grids-guides-and-ruler-tool-for-photoshop-for-ipad/idc-p/12225279#M564Nov 18, 2019
Nov 18, 2019
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I work for a beer and wine distribution company. I make menus and posters all the time. I need the grid lines to make sure everything is lined up properly. Please add them and I will be super happy! Thank you
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/p-support-for-grids-guides-and-ruler-tool-for-photoshop-for-ipad/idc-p/12225274#M559Jan 15, 2020
Jan 15, 2020
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As far as I’m aware, there isn’t an option on the new PS for iPad to use a grid or guides. These are very basic features that need to be added to the app.
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/p-support-for-grids-guides-and-ruler-tool-for-photoshop-for-ipad/idc-p/12225271#M556Mar 06, 2020
Mar 06, 2020
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I this photoshop professionally, and often have a million other things on my computer screen and PS up on an iPad in front of me. The lack of this feature has caused me so much grief I've taken to drawing guides on myself with the Pencil, but always feel like I shouldnt have to do this.
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/p-support-for-grids-guides-and-ruler-tool-for-photoshop-for-ipad/idc-p/12225270#M555Mar 11, 2020
Mar 11, 2020
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Cmon guys, Such a smart team, you really forgot to give us such a basic feature like grids and guide lines, or is it another trick to redirect us to the desktop? Not really a question. Even the Photos App has grid lines. The whole subscription scheme will keep the adobe guys with this kind of attitude throughout the whole mobile and tablet platform. Just like adobe Rush, so incomplete. Just found out about LumaFusion, such a complete app for a fair price. Might as well search for a photo editing app that doesn’t constrain features.
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/p-support-for-grids-guides-and-ruler-tool-for-photoshop-for-ipad/idc-p/12225268#M554Mar 12, 2020
Mar 12, 2020
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Related to the grids, it would be great to have options to cut the canvas just like in lightroom, in the different aspects (2:3, 3:2, 5:4, 4:5, etc). It’s such a poor customer experience to have to switch between photoshop and lightroom, basically “spamming” one program or the other.
I’d like to see a function that would allow me to join two lines together @ one point, or two objects, or a line and an object. maybe there is already a function like this. Indicators for snap points would be very nice also.
I am not quite sure who tests these apps, and there is a lot of functionality, BUT as long as you can't align any layer, there is no grid or snapping functions, one basically can not work with any text layer, since you are unable to put it into a good position. These are quite elementary needs in image editing/creating content. Unfortunately without this I am sure the app is useless to the most of us content creators.
This would be wonderful! I pay for a yearly subscription but find myself using Canva more because of features like that. Would love to use what I am paying for more often.
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/p-support-for-grids-guides-and-ruler-tool-for-photoshop-for-ipad/idc-p/12225260#M546Oct 06, 2020
Oct 06, 2020
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I agree. I purchased photoshop on my iPad so I could make greeting cards. Guides and grids would make it so much easier for me. I waste too much paper guesstimating.