/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/pattern-preview-half-drop-repeat/idc-p/12697759#M14440Jan 21, 2022
Jan 21, 2022
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seriously! I just purchased the CC version though I have cs6 for pattern preview and so disappointed it only does standard and not half drop. Hope there is an update soon
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/pattern-preview-half-drop-repeat/idc-p/13238833#M15517Oct 01, 2022
Oct 01, 2022
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I'm sure there are countless designers who would want this function, please share links to this forum in specialized forums, and invite experts to explain why they need this direly!
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/pattern-preview-half-drop-repeat/idc-p/13866671#M17897Jun 14, 2023
Jun 14, 2023
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I would also love this feature!! My understanding is that it's available in Illustrator, but for artists/ designers who work with raster-based art, it would be incredible to have it in PS. There are a lot of us 🙂
/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/pattern-preview-half-drop-repeat/idc-p/13981471#M18523Aug 02, 2023
Aug 02, 2023
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Yes, I would LOVE to have the half-drop feature. I usee the pattern tool so much in Photoshop and it also helps while making mockups. Adobe please ADD this! It's such an important feature that is missing.
So is it still possible to request this here? Is this an actual request form, or should I write somewhere else to propose it? It would be sooooo great and make my life much much easier! I cross my fingers it will happen soon. Thank you!