After using the Paint Along a Path feature to draw a shape, I sometimes find that I need to slide the shape that I've drawn "up or down a little" and this is an excercise in frustration. While it is possible to select all of the control points in a shape, it is not possible to move them all as one. Simply being able to shift points along global XYZ with the arrow keys would be a huge improvement.
As a follow-up, adding the ability to "maintain snap to face" would be a bonus, but more difficult implementation. Imagine a circle of path points around the base of a cone. Selecting any number of points and moving them "up" would hopefully cause them all to simply translate upwards; projection depth would determine whether they still leave paint on the surface.
But with "maintain snap" enabled, the initial "closeness" of the points to a surface would be checked, to determine if each point is snapped onto a face, and if so, the direction to that face. As the Up key is pressed, each point would raycast towards the initial detected direction, and if the face is detected, snap to it. On a cone, this would result in a ring of points scaling inwards as they are moved upwards.