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Hi there,
We're really sorry to hear about your experience. This is not the experience we want you to have. I'll be happy to assist you. Could you please describe to me further the issue/concern you're having in the current version so I can have a better understanding of it? Also, I would request you to share a few more details like:
I will be looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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If you share what problems you're having, maybe people here can help you.
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Please elaborate!
All we know so far is that you really don't like the latest veesion of Illustrator.
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Hola Albert.
Te sugiero restablecer las preferencias del programa:
Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Y te recomiendo la opción de botar la carpeta completa de preferencias y empezar desde cero.
Dependiendo de tu sistema operativo esta es la ruta:
En Mac:
<OSDisk>/Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator <version number> Settings/en_US*/Adobe Illustrator Prefs
En Windows:
<OSDisk>\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <version number> Settings\en_US*\x64\Adobe Illustrator Prefs
Haznos saber si mejora el rendimiento.
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Hola Carlos,
entiendo bien lo que dices, pero en tu respuesta está el problema. Yo no quiero tener que hacer cosas para que funcione bien el programa, yo ni soy, ni quiero ser informático, mi trabajo es otro, y no quiero que cada vez que haya una actualización Apple me dé trabajo por la cara, quiero que si dicen que las actualizaciones traen mejoras, se noten, no que tenga que empezar a entender el programa otra vez. Ya es un poco cansino.
Supongo y reconozco, que debe ser un problema de edad, ya paso de los sesenta y ya no estoy para estos temas.
Pero sí quiero decir que la filosofía de los 90 de Apple de hacerlo todo fácil, se ha perdido, cada vez és más complicado o lo complican más.
En fin, continuaré con la versión 2020 que me funciona bien hasta que me dejen o me jubile.
Gracias por todo Carlos
Cordialmente, Albert Povill
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quisiera rectificar en la respuesta anterior, en este caso, que cuando me refiero a Apple, en realidad quería de decir Adobe, gracias
Albert Povill
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Entiendo tu frustación.
Igual nos toca lidiar con esto cada actualización de sistema operativo y todo pierde su sincronización.
Desafortunadamente así son las cosas hoy en día: la inmediatez mata la calidad.
Saludos Cordiales
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i'm 47, worked professionally with adobe and macromedia products since '94. I agree but it's not all Adobe's fault.
The nature of both 'Shareholder-first' business and an Agile software environment using a common phrase thanks to FB of 'move fast and break things' means smaller teams roll out updates, fixes, new tools which then thanks to the god's of expected unintened consequences make something else fail. The devs are doing their best but I imagine the competing team and inter-team KPIs/OKRs and overall ROI + Investor Return makes the development cycle a massive headache and minor battleground.
I can't even open a new or old doc in Illustrator now. Sheer frustration.
Hope you get your issue fixed and sorry you're going through it too.
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Hi Airey,
Sorry to hear about that. I would request you to share a few more details like:
I will be looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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Hey mate, already shared in a different thread:
Also, I've got a support call booked today, so hopefully we get it sorted.
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This post made me fall in thinking.... and i understand exactly what you mean although the language and the country are different! sometimes i feel the same.
All i wanted to say that i have larnt from this community, to accept the updates, to follow whats new, sometimes i do not accept the change and the updates, i miss illustrator and photoshop and indesign in past days in early 2000..
i do not update each version quicly!!
but at the end.. i do accept the change because i find better solution for best and fast work..
you can work on 2020 version as long as you are satisfied, you can have more than 1 version at the asme time untill you accept.
Good luck