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Hey all,
Just wondering is there any way to do randomness in illustrator. Eg somehow get lines to randomly position themselves within a certain range, random thickness of lines, getting lines to randomly flow etc etc etc
I've been using HYPE to accomplish a fair bit of my randomness needs, just wondering if there is anyway to do random in illustrator or through filters or other 3rd party?
Any help would be sweet
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You could try some effects like Scribble, Roughen, Tweak
Also "Transform each" or the transform effect with their "random" setting
And the plugin Scriptographer. See an introduction here
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As far as standard features:
The Random setting in Transform Each is probably most like what you are looking for.
The Random setting in Transform Effect seldom yields what you would normally call random.
Scatter and Caligraphy Brushes have Random options for some of their settings.
The Symbolism tools are pretty much designed to simulate randomness.
Other normal transformations need to have randomize options, but this is just one example of inconsistencies between the many modal dialogs in Illustrator.
The Javascript random() function makes it fairly trivial to apply randomness to most any value you calculate or specify in Illustrator. For example, I have scripted things like:
Random application of Swatches to paths.
Random replacement of objects with Symbols.
Random distribution of objects within a rectangular area.
Random distribution of lesser circles on a sphere.
Randomly apply opacity to objects.
Randomly apply baseline shift to characters.