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I am trying to create the attached into a seamless print however, I am coming across issues making it seamless given than there is a slight angle change and I was hoping someone would be able to assist without having to completely change my pattern. It started off as layer one but I wanted to scale it down to 60% and rotate it 315 degrees and now it is no longer seamless :(. Thank you in advance for your help 🙂
PS. I couldn't get my AI file to upload so I've set up a link
1 Correct answer
Diagonal pattern tiles are difficult to create.
A very good document about diagonal patterns from Teri Petit (one of the first Illustrator programmers) can be found here:
Dowload (right click): Constructing Diagonal Pattern Fills (AI 9) and remove the .ps
As far as I understand your problem, the end result should be a rectangle with a single seamless repeatable pattern element.
This is not easy to do with a transformed pattern.
The method shown below (us
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Your pattern is seamless, I printed a test page and looks good.
If you zoom in and see a thin black line, that does not print is just a defect in the redraw.
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that is seamless but pretty much i need to give someone the original swatch which has a complete pattern "cycle" in it to print. But because of the slight angle change it would have to be such a big rectangle. Let me know if i dont make sense
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to be more specific, side L on my AI file is not seamless with R side, and top is not seamless with bottom, and I need them to be.
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Not clear to me what you are asking for, but have a guess. Are you wanting to do a 360° seamless wrap, like wrapping a present? That is possible if you use math to create a tile size that is equally divisiable by your 360° circumfrence. while would be seamless going from L to R, where L connect to top & bottom not possible.
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You need a much larger tile to make it seamless.
It is late over here, hope to explain my process tomorrow.
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this is what I suspected. Do you know if there is any alternative? For example, would tweaking the lines resolve it. I would assume increasing the angle would mean the tile would have to be smaller but ideally I would like to keep the angle
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As Mike mentioned, your pattern is fine, but probably you want to apply the pattern fill at a higher level (group or layer level).
See this sample file (pattern fill applied at the layer level).
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Diagonal pattern tiles are difficult to create.
A very good document about diagonal patterns from Teri Petit (one of the first Illustrator programmers) can be found here:
Dowload (right click): Constructing Diagonal Pattern Fills (AI 9) and remove the .ps
As far as I understand your problem, the end result should be a rectangle with a single seamless repeatable pattern element.
This is not easy to do with a transformed pattern.
The method shown below (using effects in the Appearance panel) is by scaling the pattern box until it looks seamless. This can result in very large tiles (to infinity and beyond!).
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Hmh, Ton, I am not quite sure about this laborious procedure.
Of course, it can be done using the big tile route, but as far as I can see it is absolutely not necessary in this case (see my sample file with the pattern provided by defaultjwk88ifwaxg).
Am I overlooking something?
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I think we both understand it different. I understand that he wants to export/save the pattern in order to be able to use it in an application like Photoshop (or an app that prints patterns) and define it there as a pattern. How do you export your example and use it in Photoshop as a pattern?
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That may be true, Ton.
But as far as I can see there was no desire for using it in Photoshop or any other application.
Good Night, by the way. 🙃
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he mentioned: "i need to give someone the original swatch which has a complete pattern "cycle" in it to print. " cycle, pattern tile, repeat are names for a single object that can be repeated endlessly.
Good night to you too...
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OK, Ton. Let´s see what defaultwjwk88ifwaxg may answer.
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Thank you for all your responses it has been really helpful. As Ton illustrated, I needed a complete pattern 'cycle' or 'repeat' in one rectangle to work with and I had a feeling I would need to make the space incredibly big to ensure a complete repeat was captured as Ton confirmed. Thank you for your help I have gone with that solution and scaled it down to ensure my file size is no extremely big. Thanks again!
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Glad to hear we could help.
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You are right, Ton.
I overlooked or misunderstood the "cycle" detail.
Sorry for my naughtiness.
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No problem Kurt.
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Ton, today I stumbled upon an entertaining movie from the great British Pathé that shows how right you were (compared to my stupid assumptions).
Take it as a compensation.
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Thanks Kurt, I really enjoyed that!
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Sometimes I visit this site and try to replicate some design in the Appearance panel, it is a cornucopia for pattern lovers:
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That is a very inspiring site, Ton.
Sometimes pattern tiles can make you kind of insane, don't they?
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It has not happened yet 🙂