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Just wondered whether you could create your own hyphenation library for Adobe Illustrator.
I have a list of 100 words, all surrounding ingredients for cosmetics, and they are needed (if required) to break at certain points within the words.
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Basically, you can create an exception list in the Hyphenation section of the application preferences (which is probably not what you want).
Apart from that, you can check the Hyphenation settings in the flyout menu of the Paragraph palette.
If that doesn't help, you will have to do it manually.
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Thanks for taking the time to reply Kurt.
Manual is not an option I am afraid,
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You're going to have a better time if you do this in InDesign:
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Thanks for taking the time to reply Doug, appreciate it.
I agree with you, but I am afraid the client is wanting to remain in Illustrator,
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Hi @Steven34668211ijr2, I had a think about this and did some testing, but unfortunately Illustrator is not only "unsophisticated" when it comes to hypenation, but it doesn't support even basic things, like honoring a discretionary hyphen, or even breaking at a zero-width-space. This makes it very difficult to come up with a good solution for your case.
I think a script could handle it. You would create a text file containing all the words with markers for the hyphenation points. The logic is actually quite involved due to Illustrator somewhat quirky text handling, and so the script would be a fair bit of work. And you would have to re-run the script every time the line breaks changed! You'll have to tell me if that's something that you are still interested in I guess.
- Mark
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Hi Steve, I was intriged by this challenge and decided to write a script to do it. I did not know you are a keen scripter, and you probably have a better approach than mine, but I will post my script here for what it's worth. Only read it if you don't want the challenge of solving for yourself! 🙂 Oh and of course it hasn't been tested much so will definitely break for some cases.
- Mark
If you decide to test it out, here's how to set it up:
1. Put the two script files together into a folder
- "Manually Hyphenate Selected Text.js" (first script below)
- "Hyphenator.js" (second listing below)
2. Write out your word list and save as "wordlist.txt" in the same folder (see example below).
3. Select some text in Illustrator and run "Manually Hyphenate Selected Text.js" script.
Here are screen grabs of my example. Note that running the script again, will first remove the previous hyphenation.
Script file 1:
* Performs "manual" hyphenation on selected text(s),
* using custom word list.
* Word list contains one word per line, and includes
* a hyphen at every viable position, for example:
* -----------------------------------
* methyl-sulfonyl-methane
* phyto-sphingo-sine
* tri-hydroxy-stearin
* -----------------------------------
* @File Manually Hyphenate Selected Text.js
* @author m1b
* @discussion
//@include 'Hyphenator.js'
(function () {
var words = loadLinesFromFile('wordlist.txt');
var hyphenator = new Hyphenator({ words: words }),
doc = app.activeDocument,
sel = doc.selection,
textsToHyphenate = getTexts(sel);
// hyphenate all the texts
for (var i = 0; i < textsToHyphenate.length; i++)
* Get array of text ranges from the supplied item(s).
* @author m1b
* @version 2024-01-09
* @Param {TextRange|TextFrame|Array|GroupItem} item - the item or items to get text from.
* @Returns {?Array<TextRange}
function getTexts(item) {
var texts = [];
if (item == undefined)
if (item.hasOwnProperty('baselineShift'))
// already text
else if ( == 'Story'
|| == 'TextFrame'
// almost text
else if (
// to bypass bug in TextFrames object:
&& item.typename == 'TextFrames'
|| == 'Stories'
|| == 'Array'
// handle array of text frames
for (var j = item.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
texts = texts.concat(getTexts(item[j]) || []);
else if ( == 'GroupItem')
// all text in group
for (var j = item.pageItems.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
texts = texts.concat(getTexts(item.pageItems[j]) || []);
else if ( == 'Document')
// all text in document
texts = texts.concat(getTexts(item.stories));
return texts;
* Returns array of strings by reading
* each line of text file.
* @Param {String} nameOrPath - the path or file name of the target file.
* @Returns {Array<String>}
function loadLinesFromFile(nameOrPath) {
if (!/\/\\/.test(nameOrPath))
nameOrPath = File($.fileName).parent + '/' + nameOrPath;
var f = File(nameOrPath);
if (!File(nameOrPath).exists)
return alert('Error: could not find word list at "' + nameOrPath + '"');'r');
Script File 2:
* @File Hypenator.js
* @author m1b
* Helper objects:
* - Hyphenator
* - HyphenatedWord
* Public methods of Hyphenator:
* - removePreviousHyphenation
* - hyphenateText
* A hyphenation helper object.
* @author m1b
* @version 2024-01-13
* @constructor
* @Param {Object} options
* @Param {Array<String>} options.words - the hypenated words to use.
function Hyphenator(options) {
options = options || {};
var self = this;
// the hyphen character
self.hyphen = options.hyphen || '-';
// a character to break a line
self.breaker = options.breaker || ' '; // ordinary space for now
// the word list
self.words = options.words || [];
for (var i = 0; i < self.words.length; i++)
if ('String' === self.words[i]
self.words[i] = new HyphenatedWord(self.words[i], self);
* Removes manual hyphenations
* by searching for hypen/breaks.
* @author m1b
* @version 2024-01-13
* @Param {TextRange} text - an Illutrator TextRange.
Hyphenator.prototype.removePreviousHyphenation = function removePreviousHyphenation(text) {
var self = this,
contents = text.contents,
matcher = new RegExp(self.hyphen + self.breaker, 'g'),
found = [],
matcher.lastIndex = 0;
while (match = matcher.exec(contents))
// process each found, going backwards
while (removeMe = found.pop()) {
* Finds the first word in the given text,
* and returns an object containing the word
* and its start index.
* If a `from` number is supplied, the search
* will start from there.
* @author m1b
* @version 2024-01-13
* @Param {TextRange} text - an Illustrator Text Range.
* @Param {Number} [from] - start searching from this character index (default: 0).
* @Returns {Object} - {word: HypenatedWord, start: Number}
Hyphenator.prototype.getFirstWord = function getFirstWord(text, from) {
var self = this,
contents = text.contents.slice(from || 0),
firstWord = {
start: Infinity,
word: undefined
for (var i = 0, start; i < self.words.length; i++) {
start = RegExp('\\b' + self.words[i].word + '\\b', 'i'));
if (
-1 !== start
&& start < firstWord.start
) {
firstWord.start = start;
firstWord.word = self.words[i];
if (undefined !== firstWord.word) {
// update offset
firstWord.start += from;
return firstWord;
* Perform the hypenation on the given text.
* @author m1b
* @version 2024-01-13
* @Param {TextRange} text - an Illustrator TextRange.
Hyphenator.prototype.hyphenateText = function hyphenateText(text) {
var self = this;
if (
|| 0 === text.contents.length
var currentWord,
advance = 0,
breaks = [];
while (currentWord = self.getFirstWord(text, advance)) {
advance = currentWord.start;
for (var i = 1, removeMe; i <; i++) {
// add the length of the preceding part
advance +=[i - 1].contents.length;
// the lineID is used to test whether linebreaks shifted
currentLineID = getLineID(text.characters[advance]);
// add the hypen/breaker to the contents of the character before
text.characters[advance - 1].contents += self.hyphen + self.breaker;
advance += 2;
// track the hyphen in
text.characters[advance - 1].tracking = -250;
// sanity check
if (0 === text.characters[text.characters.length - 1].lines.length)
return alert('Warning: hyphenating failed due to overset text.');
// check if the line shifted
if (getLineID(text.characters[advance - 2]) < currentLineID) {
// the break has caused the line
// to jump up to the _previous_ line
currentLineID = getLineID(text.characters[advance - 2]);
// see if previous breaks need removing
for (var j = 0, offset = 0; j < breaks.length; j++) {
// offset takes removals into account
breaks[j] += offset;
if (j >= breaks.length - 1)
// we never remove the most recent break
break breaksLoop;
if (getLineID(text.characters[breaks[j]]) === currentLineID) {
// remove this obsolete break
breaks.splice(j--, 1);
// make adjustments
offset -= 2;
advance -= 2;
continue partsLoop;
else if (getLineID(text.characters[advance + 2]) > currentLineID) {
// the break is good, because the
// breaker is at the end of the line
continue partsLoop;
else {
// break not needed, because there is room for more text after it
removeMe = breaks.pop();
advance -= 2;
function getLineID(text) {
return text.lines[0].start;
* A word object with hyphenation information.
* @author m1b
* @version 2024-01-13
* @constructor
* @Param {String} hyphenatedWord - the word, maximally hyphenated.
* @Param {Hyphenator} hyphenator - the hypenator to use.
function HyphenatedWord(hyphenatedWord, hyphenator) {
var self = this;
self.hyphenator = hyphenator;
self.hyphenatedWord = hyphenatedWord;
self.matchHyphens = new RegExp(hyphenator.hyphen, 'g');
self.word = hyphenatedWord.replace(self.matchHyphens, '');
self.length = self.word.length; = [];
var parts = hyphenatedWord.split(hyphenator.hyphen);
for (var i = 0, index = 0; i < parts.length; i++, index += parts[i - 1].length){ contents: parts[i], start: index });
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Good Morning Mark,
Hope you're well. I am so sorry, I seen this and forgot to reply. This looks really interesting and I really do value the time you have put in to it, thank you.
I had to park this project to finish other elements of work, but I am now going to look at this, and what you have done has really hit the mark (no pun intended).
Thank you ever so much mate,
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No worries at all, Steve. I hope it works for you, or at least gives you some ideas improve. It was fun to write.
- Mark
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I'd be interested in taking a go at this as well, but for the sake of clarity I would need to know exactly what "break at certain point within the words" means. If you give a list of words or example file this would help greatly, otherwise we're completely in the dark with what the requirements actually are and people like Mark might do a ton of work that isn't on the right track from lack of information.