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I'm using Adobe Illustrator 2022, OS12.1
I know I can add URL links within Adobe, using Attributes, but does anyone know if I can do the same with an email link.
If I had the option to click on an image or text to then take me to an already opened email message to a certain person.
Would be great to have several individual client email links on my artwork/document, so I don't need to keep opening email app and selecting name etc. 1 button or text could do it for me.
This is hopefully do-able in illustrator alone, don't want to use Acrobat or InDesign for this.
Hopefully someone somewhere has an answer.
Cheers Stu
Well this is super late but maybe will still be helpful to someone.
I had the same question, and I tried simply typing "" in the URL line in the Attributes palette for some type I had highlighted. After exporting a PDF, clicking on the type in the PDF successfully opened my Mail app and started a new email. I did not test Outlook or any other setups. But like any link, you can right click and get some options (like "Copy Link Location").
To make it look more like a regular
...I had the same question today and discovered that you can add links with Adobe Illustrator, I'm using 2024 (28.3). Here's a link that shows how:
I had tried to add the link using Acrobat, but the link kept failing to connect to my email application. When I tried the method above, which essentially involves opening the attributes panel, s
...Copy link to clipboard
Illy doesn't have a hyperlink tool. If you want something more functional than just typing your hyperlink into the doc you are going to have to use Acrobat or ID.
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Copy link to clipboard
Just goes to highlight how much I don't know, I thought email links were just a subset of hyperlinks and all you had to do was add mailto: in front of the email...
Copy link to clipboard
Links are HTML code (web pages). Use Dreamweaver or some other code editor to create web pages with linked images.
Example of an image wrapped by a mailto:link. For this to work, the device must have an email client installed like Outlook or Windows Mail.
<a href=""><img src="YOUR-IMAGE.jpg"></a>
Hope that helps.
Copy link to clipboard
Well this is super late but maybe will still be helpful to someone.
I had the same question, and I tried simply typing "" in the URL line in the Attributes palette for some type I had highlighted. After exporting a PDF, clicking on the type in the PDF successfully opened my Mail app and started a new email. I did not test Outlook or any other setups. But like any link, you can right click and get some options (like "Copy Link Location").
To make it look more like a regular link, I underlined the type. In the Attributes palette I used Rectangle as the Image Map option.
A couple details I found out:
1. Regardless of the text you highlight, it applies the image map to the entire text box, so your email address will have to be its own text box to confine it to only the type you want it to work on.
2. If you change your mind, simply changing the Image Map back to "None" does not remove the link. You have to actually remove whatever you typed into the URL line, and then switch the Image Map to none.
Hope that helps!
BTW, I'm using Illustrator 2024 (28.1) on a Mac running Ventura 13.5.2.
Copy link to clipboard
This worked!!!! Thank you!!!
Copy link to clipboard
I had the same question today and discovered that you can add links with Adobe Illustrator, I'm using 2024 (28.3). Here's a link that shows how:
I had tried to add the link using Acrobat, but the link kept failing to connect to my email application. When I tried the method above, which essentially involves opening the attributes panel, selecting the object/text that you want to link,
selecting rectangle (from the dropdown), and adding your link in the URL space just below. I added a custom version of this emailto: URL which worked perfectly in an exported pdf: Subject Info Needed and it worked perfectly. Good Luck!
Copy link to clipboard
Thank you, this was helpful. Do you know if you can customise it further to add text to the body of the email?