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Hi there,
Does anybody know why after turning off "Show the home screen when no documents are open" you can't see the desktop anymore? There is a grey screen instead that looks to be an empty document which appears every time you use Alt Tab to go back into Illustrator from other programs. The latest Photoshop and InDesign don't do this so wondering if there is a setting I'm not seeing. Hope you can help? 🙂
1 Correct answer
Did you try to turn off the Application frame?
Window menu > Application Frame
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Hola Buenas noches, que pena si utilizo este foro para exponer mi problema. Les comento...Descarge hace unos dias unos programas del paquete de adobe creative cloud 2018, entre ellos estan Illustrator, Photoshop y otros dos mas . Pero tengo un problema con Illustrator, resulta y pasa que cada ves que abro Illustrator no me salen por completo las herramientas, no aparece el logo, cuando loy ctrl + no acerca y tampoco retrocede, y tampoco sale el icono del programa. He mirado varios videos, pero ninguno habla acerca de este problema. POR FAVOR LES PIDO ME AYUDEN CON EL PROBLEMA. Gracias.
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Mi consejo es que solo instales aplicaciones de Adobe desde la web de Adobe, utilizando Creative Cloud, donde encontrarás las versiones actuales 2020, y la anterior.
No me atrevo a preguntarte sobre esa versión y de donde ha salido.
Por supuesto el Foro intenta ayudar a quien utiliza programas originales, legÃtimos, pero no otras situaciones.
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Press the Tab key, maybe you typed twice when using the shortcut Alt+Tab to swipe between applications.
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Adobe Illustrator with what appears to be an empty document blocking view of the desktop
Want it to look like this example where Photoshop is open with no documents showing and you can still see the desktop
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Did you try to turn off the Application frame?
Window menu > Application Frame
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Thanks, Ton! I appreciate it stacks it was as annoying as driving behind a caravan! Much appreciated 🙂
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Good to hear that helped!
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A couple of images is a 1000 words worth!
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Do you know how to fix this issue in Acrobat too please?
See this thread:
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There is an option in Acrobat to Show Home screen when all documents are closed. But it does not make a difference on my machine, it always shows the Home screen.
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I don't have that option, even though my friend does who is running the exact same version?!
Sounds like it wouldn't help anyway from what you are saying!
Thanks for your reply though, I appreciate you taking the time
Have a good one.
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And my version is the same too.
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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂