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Hi, I have a document with circles. A ton of them. Literally thousands of circles. I have come across the need to scale all the circles down 50% from the origin of each circle. I tried using transform each, but the operation takes hours and hours. So, I heard that I could potentially pattern fill them with a dot and, if I scale down the dot in the pattern, all the fills change scale. I tried that, but I cannot get the pattern to go to the center of each circle (seems like the pattern has its own xy value and adjusting each one by hand is out of the question)...
my question is: is there a fast/efficient way to center a pattern fill to an object when you have a ton of objects?
Any help is appreciated on this, thank you again for reading
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You can go to Preferences General (CTRL/Cmd+K) and select Transform Pattern Tiles option. It Should helps you
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You cannot position a pattern fill automatically inside an object.
Also I don't understand how the procedure should work at all, because it's rather the other way round: you scale an object and the pattern follows.
What you could do is lock half your objects or put them on different layers and then try to transform each.