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Change to relink logic?

Community Beginner ,
Jun 05, 2024 Jun 05, 2024

Copy link to clipboard


In previous versions I could select multiple links from the panel, click relink, and then quite quickly flip through the needed dialog boxes to change them all. This was useful in my workflow of often needing to change multiple replicated images in a template.


Now, that logic has changed.  If I select multiple links in the panel and relink, no matter how many I've selected, only the first one gets updated and then the process just stops. I need to select and relink each one individually. This is making it take much, much longer to do what is already a time-intensive job sometimes. 


So, is there an option or checkbox somewhere that I am missing to get back to the old workflow? I've looked through the options of the various panels and dialog boxes and not seeing anything obvious.  It seems like they've either taken what was already a tedious process and made it worse for no clear reason, or it's a bug.

Bug , How-to






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