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Does someone have the time to track down what the possible problem could be with my CircleFill script? See [Ann] Design effect - image made of perfectly arranged circles.
As lisapru notes (see down that thread), it fails to work on a background slab with the text punched out. Not only does it 'not work', but it also does so silently; no error, no warning, no change, and nothing in the Undo stack either.
2 Correct answers
Hi [Jongware],
if I understand you right, sometimes your script fails without an error if an outlined text was substract from a rectangle?
If the text was outlined you have to release the group at first. After than you can create the final compound path with your background rectangle. The script works correctly for me.
But if you create the (final) compound path with
- a group of outlined compound paths
- and your backgroud rectangle,
your script fails. Som
...All the solutions provided above still refused to work for me.
However after a days struggle and trying various permutations I think I've got a solution that can work for those of you thatare still struggling to get this to work.
1. Go to your layers pallette and UNLOCK ALL the layers.
2. The go to Layer Panel Options and select the 'Show Layers Only' option
3. Remember to select SMALL
Now run the script.
Thank you Jongware this is priceless and truly generous of you to share here for free.
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Hi [Jongware],
if I understand you right, sometimes your script fails without an error if an outlined text was substract from a rectangle?
If the text was outlined you have to release the group at first. After than you can create the final compound path with your background rectangle. The script works correctly for me.
But if you create the (final) compound path with
- a group of outlined compound paths
- and your backgroud rectangle,
your script fails. Sometimes Illustrator crashes. I don't know why. Mostly the mistake seems to be in line #218
if ( innerpaths[0][0] < innerpaths[innerpaths.length-1][0])
undefined is not an object
Perhaps this helps you a little bit.
Regards pixxxelschubser
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I got some pretty inconsistent results, but I don't think it depends on whether the text was grouped or not before punching it out. I got the same error at that line, and ... wow. It's a mistake – and it's a biggie
if ( innerpaths[0][0] < innerpaths[innerpaths.length-1][0])
The idea here is to check the first point of a path against the last one. The paths themselves are the first array index, the next is the line index, and, if I remember correctly at least, the third one is the point itself. Now look at the part I bolded. It uses the length of innerpaths itself – not that of the nested array ...
It should be
if ( innerpaths[0][0] < innerpaths[innerpaths.length-1][0])
– see? The length of the sub-array, not of the parent...
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Hi [Jongware],
Glad I could help and glad i could give you back a little. Give and take relationship.
(But I only pointed you to the right direction) you found the mistake by yourself.
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All the solutions provided above still refused to work for me.
However after a days struggle and trying various permutations I think I've got a solution that can work for those of you thatare still struggling to get this to work.
1. Go to your layers pallette and UNLOCK ALL the layers.
2. The go to Layer Panel Options and select the 'Show Layers Only' option
3. Remember to select SMALL
Now run the script.
Thank you Jongware this is priceless and truly generous of you to share here for free.
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In my circle fill script minimum distance option not showing in illustrator, anyone guides me
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I don't think there is an option like that.
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There is such an option. Maybe the wrong version of the script?
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Yes, there is a newer version that has this option.
The second download link in this post works:
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monika gause exact I want this one but unfortunately Min.distance option is missing in my circle fill script
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This version should have that option:
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Yes After installing Latest Version I got it Thank You All For Support 😍