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Hi! I'm trying to figure out how to cut my logo out of this black circle so theres a devil's teaspoon shaped hole in the circle. I don't want to make it white because I'm going to make it a png. I thought it was supposed to be done with a clipping mask but it doesnt work, whether the circle is on top or on bottom. And I tried making the wordmark a compound path and it wont work.
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Why wouldn't you just want to color your items if you plan on exporting to a pixel-based format, anyway? I also would assume that you have soem serious problems with your word stuff, given how uneven the text looks. Likely you need to work on that first to get correct behavior, but without the artwork being selected and seeing the actual paths nobody can be certain of that, of course.
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Because I am going to be printing it and I want the word mark to be the color of the paper. And what do you mean I have serious problems with my word stuff? All the letters are spaced the same.
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Assuming your text/spoon is a single group or compound path: position your text over the circle and select all. In the transparency panel, click 'Make Mask' and untick 'Clip'.
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1. Do you want the logo to always be inside the circle? If you want it to be a united compound path, make it using Pathfinder. Put the logo above the circle at the needed place, select the logo and the central circle, and use Pathfinder > Minus Front (Subtract). So you will have the logo-shaped hole in the circle.
For letters (from Milenium's note):
1. E and I letters are much thicker than others;
2. The spacing might be the same mechanically but not optically. So, for example, the first E looks to be closer to D than to V, A in the second line looks alone (too big spaces around), etc.
These are the issues visible instantly, with a short glance.
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I appreciate it but it's a font, I didn't make it and I was just asking for help with making a mask. Thank you
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Another great solution is to use a transparency mask. Simply copy your logo. Then select your circle and click make mask in the transparency panel. Click the black box in the transparency panel and paste your logo in! Uncheck the clip option and you're good to go! Just make sure you click the left box again in the transparency button when you're done!
You can find the transparency panel under Window > Transparency
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Thank you! I will try that!!
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I am a Clipping Mask master in Illustrator.
I would have to see a video of your desktop to see what you are doing.
Normally I stream on Sundays at 3pm/4pm CET time for the Adobe Education Leaders Program on Behance.
I tend to stream Illustrator. If you join I can show you how to do Clipping Masks.... just type in the chat box during the stream and say hey this is kennyloren for the Adobe Support Community and remind me to do it!
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Have you tried selecting your entire wordmark, grouping it, and moving it above the circle in your stacking order and making everything into a compound path?
In your steps, I could not tell for sure if the entire wordmark was grouped (including the spoon.)
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The (Opacity) Mask mentioned by Brady ia a simple and safe way.
The logo needs to be a Group or a Compound Path, either will do, and be on top of the circle (in the stacking order, and be completely black.
You can (also) select both the logo and the circle, then in the Transparency panel just click Make (Opacity) Mask with both Clip and Invert Mask unticked.