Create named swatch library outside of illustrator
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I'm not even sure of the correct terminology here so I haven't been having much luck searching google or the forums.
This is what I'm after:
I have a list of color names and their accompanying cmyk values on my computer
I want to create a swatch library that I can open in Illustrator and that will display the color name when I hover over each swatch
I want to do this without entering individually each name and value inside Illustrator
I have a list with entries that look like this:
Corinthian Pink
0, 35, 15, 0
Is there some tool that can convert such a list (or let me quickly copy and paste)?
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/*Utilisation du script :
1 Ouvrir ou créer un fichier (.ai) Mode de colorimétrie RVG ou CMJN,
2 importer le fichier texte .csv, et placer le caractère @
au début de la première ligne, Corinthien,0,35,15,0, si le texte est captif pas besion d'ajuster,
le contenu est dans la mémoire.
3 lancer le script,
Remarque: Si pas de texte le tableau mapObjt est pris en compte.
// JavaScript Document for Illustrator
// Landry René - elleere Fri, 23 March 2018 10:16:41 GMT
/*Utilisation du script :
1 Ouvrir ou créer un fichier (.ai) Mode de colorimétrie RVG ou CMJN,
2 importer le fichier texte .csv, et placer le caractère @
au début de la première ligne, Corinthien,0,35,15,0, si le texte est captif pas besion d'ajuster,
le contenu est dans la mémoire.
3 lancer le script,
Remarque: Si pas de texte le tableau mapObjt est pris en compte.
var indice = "@"; // indice pour indentifier le bon texte
var sep1 = "\r"; // saut ligne
var sep2 = ","; // séparateur (non <- couleur CMJN))
var Grpname = "Ral_Perso"; // nom du groupe de nuances
var mapObjt = [["Rose Corinthien",0, 35, 15, 0],["Vert pomme",100,12,50,10]];
var docRef = activeDocument;
var ok = false;
if (docRef.textFrames.length) {
for (var t = 0; t < docRef.textFrames.length; t++) {
var text = docRef.textFrames[t];
if (text.contents.charAt(0) == indice) {
ok = true;
if (ok) mapObjt = initTab(text,indice,sep1,sep2)
var grp = docRef.swatchGroups.add(); = Grpname;
for (var i = 0; i < mapObjt.length; i++) {
couleur = macmykColor(mapObjt[i]);
sw =docRef.swatches.add();
sw.color = couleur; = mapObjt[i][0];
function initTab(text,indice,s1,s2) {
// Initialisation d'un tableau à 2 dimensions
var textContent = text.contents;
textContent = textContent.substring(1);
var tab = textContent.split(s1);
for (var i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) {
tab[i] = tab[i].split(s2);
return tab;
function macmykColor(c)
{ //cree une nouvelle couleur CMJN
var cmykColor = new CMYKColor();
with (cmykColor) {cyan = c[1]*1; magenta = c[2]*1; yellow = c[3]*1; black = c[4]*1;}
return cmykColor;
Exemple de texte correspondant au tableau mapObjt
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Thanks both of you, I was able to find additional info after some more searching here in the community. My primary issue now is that I don't really understand how scripts work or how to get them to run in AI. I copied a script, placed it in textedit (i'm on mac), and then changed the file extension to .jsx. When I tried to open this in AI, though, the file was grey and unable to be opened. What am I doing wrong?
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Make sure when you save the file from TextEdit that you force it to be plain text. The default from TE is Rich Text which will not work.
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Yes! As soon as I posted that I checked the file info and found that it still had .txt, and my numbers doc was still .numbers.
I finally got it to work! Whew!
Love this forum ❤️
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Posting this here for anyone who, like me, wants Sanzo Wada's colors from A Dictionary of Color Combinations, using the CMYK values listed in the book (Seigensha edition published 2024).