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Hello all
I am creating a layout in Illustrator 13.0.2 on a Mac and trying to use the Eurostile font I purchased at the Adobe font store. When using this font "Create Outlines" is greyed out and nothing I've tried has changed this. However, when I change the font "Create Outlines" returns to a viable selection. This leads me to believe the problem lies with the font. Embedding for this font is listed as "Preview & Print" at the Adobe store - it would seem this should be sufficient. I'm certainly no Illustrator expert but there isn't anything unusual about this document. Does anybody have any suggestions?
1 Correct answer
I found that in Illustrator CC 2014 that if I click on the desired text using the direct selection tool arrow that in fact the create outline goes from greyed out back to working again.
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I would trash the preferences and deactivate the font remove the font then reinstall and then activate the font again.
I have Eurostyle and it works fine in this regard on the Mac.
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Conversion should always work, regardless of what the font copyright bits are set to. To me it seems that somehow you are being presented with a cached version that does not contain the native contours. Operating systems do that to optimize on-screen performance e.g. for system fonts or in office applications. Trashing the prefs is a good place, though and while you're at it, the AdobeFnt.lst files everywhere on your drive make good candidates, too.
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I know this is an old post, but in case anyone else has this problem - one simple possibility is that if you use the "edit envelope" options (button looks like a wavy grid - used to add an arc to the text, etc.), make sure to click back on the "edit contents" option (button looks like a curvy star - has stroke, brush, & opacity options) or Create Outlines will be greyed out.
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Thank you. That was precisely my issue & I could not figure it out.
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Great Thnx!! It worked for me!
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Where is the edit envelope button? Cannot locate in CC.
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I found that in Illustrator CC 2014 that if I click on the desired text using the direct selection tool arrow that in fact the create outline goes from greyed out back to working again.
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Thank you for this suggestion--it worked great! Everything thing else suggested seemed beyond my comfort level.
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thanks man
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YES! thanks so much that helped me out -finally!!
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This suggestion saved my workflow today. Thank you. It works.
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Thank you! Killer Tip!!
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Thanks this worked brilliantly
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Yes, gold star for you in my book, thanks!
The standard Adobe solution seems to be first replace the computer, then the room it is in, and if that fails the power plant supplying the electricity. If that fails the sun should be replaced, or at least hard rebooted.
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Hahahahahaha! This didn't work for me, but your response is hilarious!
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i signed in to just leave a comment for your simple yet effective advice. I am so so thankfulllllllllllll, it worked out for me.
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Thank you!
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Saved the day-- Thanks a million!
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