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How do I cut out a logo from a white background using Illustrator? I have the logo in an illustrator file, but I want to remove it from the white background so I can upload it to the company website.
I have never used Illustrator before.
If I am using the logo for a website, how do I export the file? What size should the file be?
Thank you.
2 Correct answers
From the screenshot I believe you have created it as vector artwork, as you should, in which case you can just Export or Legacy Save for Web as PNG24 with Transparency.
The following may sound unforgivably outdated and boring, sorry.
If you wish to have PNGs (PNG24, of course) look crisp and clean, it is important to have the images in the exact desired final pixel x pixel size, forget about resolution which may actually lead to wrong sizes and hence blurriness. It is easiest and s
What you need is to have the Artboard fit the artwork (apart from the round corners): Apply Object>Artboards>Fit Artboard to Artwork and tick Use Artboards in the Export dialog.
Apply Object>Artboards>Fit Artboard to Artwork and tick Use Artboards in the Export dialog.
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Is the logo a placed raster image? Based on the fact that you're saying it has a white background, I'm guessing that it is.
Please take a screenshot of your layers panel. Does it look like the one below?
If so, and it's a simpl logo, you can run Image Trace on it. Go to Window > Image Trace. And choose Color.
Then click Expand in the Control Bar.
Then when you view in Outline Mode (View > Outline), it should look like below. Switch to your white arrow and grab around the edge of the outside bounding box Press delete twice.
Then go back to View > Preview. Ungroup, and then you should have access to all the different bits and pieces. Now, if your logo is a low-quality image, or has a ton of colors, of compiund paths (like in the center of the pencil below), it might not work perfectly, but this should get you going in the right diretion. If you need more help, please post screenshots of your logo and your layers panel so we can better help you.
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I wasn't able to do the following: Go to Window > Image Trace. And choose Color. It was not an option to select Color.
Below is a screen shot of my layers panel.
Also, once I remove the white background, how do I export the logo for a website?
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There's several ways to do it but I have a video here that might help you out:
Pay close attention to 2:30 where you can choos a trasnparent background.
If this doesn't work for you, please share a screen shot with your logo selected and the Properties panel displayed.
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From the screenshot I believe you have created it as vector artwork, as you should, in which case you can just Export or Legacy Save for Web as PNG24 with Transparency.
The following may sound unforgivably outdated and boring, sorry.
If you wish to have PNGs (PNG24, of course) look crisp and clean, it is important to have the images in the exact desired final pixel x pixel size, forget about resolution which may actually lead to wrong sizes and hence blurriness. It is easiest and safest to work at the desired size.
A very common unsuitable way is to Export to PNG (remember to use PNG24 and use Transparency for artwork to be in front of different backgrounds) with a medium or high resolution, such as 300PPI.
To retain the clean and crisp artwork, a PNG must be created at exactly the pixel x pixel size that it is to be used for (or second best at sizes that are powers of 2 times as large).
For clean and crisp artwork avoid JPEG.
It is also important to have the artwork and also the Artboard placed fully within integer/whole pixel X and Y values in the Workspace. Otherwise the resulting image will become a bit wider/taller and the extension(s) will be empty and therefore be white.
Therefore, the safest way is to create the artwork at the final pixel x pixel size and use a corresponding Artboard, then either use the Legacity Save for Web (where you can look in the Image Size window for size confirmation) or Export at 72PPI. In either case, use the relevant optimization (available with both ways); it is also convenient to have 72PPI in the Effect>Document Raster Effect Settings.
If you have pure vector artwork, you can relax a bit and have the artwork/Artboard at any size (the Artboard must have the same proportions as the final image), then use the Legacity Save for Web and set either Width or Height in the Image Size and Apply (make sure the other value is also correct).
The Legacy Save for Web may be an old carthorse, but it knows its way home, even if the driver is drunk and sleeping it off in the hay in the back.
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Thank you! It worked using the Export > Save for Web feature. I didn't design the logo, I just need it for a wordpress site.
I sent you a screen shot of the export window. Is 1152 px by 1440 px a good size for the website? The file size is 16KB. It looks like the transparent part is a part of the final pixel count. Is there a way to crop out some of the background that is not a part of the logo?
I'm assuming the default resolution is 72 PPI when it exports as save for web.
When uploading individual photos, it is best to keep the images below 20 MB? What is the best file size where it is not too slow to load, but also looks decent?
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20 MB for a graphic on a web site? Imagine you use your smartphone for browsing on a limited bandwidth. People will hate you.
As for the size: Is that the logo on the site? a graphic for a gallery? The header?
You should know which size you need.
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What filesize do you use for images on a website? I am not a graphic designer. I have never used illustrator or built a wordpress site.
How do I know what size the logo should be? Is that something that you find out in wordpress what the template options are?
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You definitely should read some information about webdesign, especially the technical aspects of it. It's not just the size of one image, but it's the code of the page, CSS, scripts and then a lot of images that get sent to everyone who opens the URL. I don't know about you, but I sometimes browse the web when I'm away travelling. Sometimes those are rural places that don't have good connection.
You might want to read e.g. this summary about the subject:
About the dimensions of the logo on the page: yes it depends on whatever is set up in the Wordpress template you happen to use. It also depends on whether the page is responsive, that is it adapts to the window size. You might want to consider saving the logo as an SVG - hopefully your Wordpress installation allows that.
And maybe you want to cooperate with a web designer, because that's what they're there for.
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What you need is to have the Artboard fit the artwork (apart from the round corners): Apply Object>Artboards>Fit Artboard to Artwork and tick Use Artboards in the Export dialog.
Apply Object>Artboards>Fit Artboard to Artwork and tick Use Artboards in the Export dialog.