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When will the dialog boxes for Open, Save, etc. use the dark mode UI in the Mac OS? It appears that Photoshop has implemented this change (screenshot attached), when will Illustrator?
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Hi check illustrator preference and UI section hope if find something there for your help...regards
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Hey Ali,
Thank you for your reply. Yes, the UI section of the preferences does allow you to change the UI of Illustrator to a darker theme. My question was related to the Open and Save dialog boxes and if they will match the dark UI of the operating system for Mac OS Catalina. Here is a screenshot to display the Save dialog box. This is not a dark theme to match the system UI, however, Photoshop does (here are the screenshots while using the dark mode UI in Adobe and in the Mac OS Catalina).Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
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I have wondered the same thing. Odd how the open and save dialogues don't behave the same way as PhotoShop's. Seems like a simple fix, no?
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Its terrible.. my eyes almost fall down in the floor.
In After Effects the dialogue dont work in dark mode too.
Please, fiz that.
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Please post a bug report to Uservoice (see URL in my post above)
You might want to detail what exactly you don't like. Also: maybe your monitor is just too dark on your Mac?
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I find how to fix that, In After Effects this command line in terminal fix this issue:
defaults write com.adobe.AfterEffects NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool false
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That totally fixed it for me! What an eye saver for this over 40 year old.