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Hey all,
have read some of the Forum threads but nothing seems to be working for me. I have created a cube design in Illustrator that I would like to use in Photoshop now.
This is how it looks in Illustrator. After the export and opened in Photoshop it looks like this:
This is exported as PNG with 300 DPI (less looks even worse). Did I made a mistake with regards to the specification of the underlying Illustrator config? The graphic was sized at 4500x5400 Pixel.
Any help would be much appreciated.
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one RGB document, two artworks, first artwork the image is placed with no angle, second artwork, same image is placed with 11º angle. both images were created using "export for screens" (JPEG 100). Bonus image, the second artwork created with "Save for Web (legacy) JPEG 100" command. Clearly "Export for screens" doesn't like angled images...
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Is this vector or pixel? if the later why are you even using Illustrator? - just to rotate the image? why?
And you should start a new thread this is four and two years old...
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The images are just a basic example, to show the problem.
I use illustrator for everything, and any rotated image looks pixelated after using export for screens.
I used this thread because even after all those years, the bug still exists...
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Why cant you try copy paste it to photoshop, at that point it will shop options - pixel, Smart object, path, shape layer
Choose -Smart object