Extracting SVG Coordinates
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I am needing to extract SVG coordinates for a script that I am running in After Effects. I have created an icon in illustrator, saved it as an SVG and pulled this string from it:
The script I am using is requires that the SVG coordinates be in this format:
["21.32 9.44 26.33 8.84 22.26 11.25 24.93 16.40 33.72 16.40 38.68 11.99 34 10.06 33.59 12.99 30 11.25 32.02 8.82 36.36 8.84 47 13 36 21 21 21 13 13 20 4 38 2 47 13 44.10 12.62 37.13 4.10 21.04 5.92 16.91 11.32"]
Is there anyway to get a string of coordinates from an SVG that will follow the format above?
Here is a link to the script: https://github.com/adamplouff/scriptui-battlestyle/tree/master
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So, I had a few minutes and this seemed like fun. PLEASE NOTE, there is no error checking and I only implemented the command in the raw string you provided (so you will have to implement the rest of the commands to cover all situations).
You can learn a lot about how the SVG commands work here https://www.nan.fyi/svg-paths/lines.
I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but I tried to be as simple and explicit in the short amount of time I had to mess with this.
Hope it helps!
// M = moveto (move from one point to another point)
// L = lineto (create a line)
// H = horizontal lineto (create a horizontal line)
// V = vertical lineto (create a vertical line)
// C = curveto (create a curve)
// S = smooth curveto (create a smooth curve)
// Q = quadratic Bézier curve (create a quadratic Bézier curve)
// T = smooth quadratic Bézier curveto (create a smooth quadratic Bézier curve)
// A = elliptical Arc (create a elliptical arc)
// Z = closepath (close the path)
// Note: All of the commands above can also be expressed in lower case. Upper case means absolutely positioned, lower case means relatively positioned.
function cleanAddition(n1, n2) {
return (n1 * 100 + n2 * 100) / 100;
function parseParams(s) {
var params = [];
var splitParams = s.split(",");
var cur;
for (var p = 0; p < splitParams.length; p++) {
cur = parseFloat(splitParams[p]);
if (!isNaN(cur)) {
return params;
function execSVGCommand(pos, command, params) {
x = pos[0];
y = pos[1];
// moveto
if (command.toUpperCase() == "M") {
if (command == "M") {
x = params[0];
y = params[1];
} else {
x = cleanAddition(x, params[0]);
y = cleanAddition(y, params[1]);
// vertical lineto
if (command.toUpperCase() == "V") {
if (command == "V") {
x = 0;
y = params[0];
} else {
y = cleanAddition(y, params[0]);
// lineto
if (command.toUpperCase() == "L") {
if (command == "L") {
x = params[0];
y = params[1];
} else {
x = cleanAddition(x, params[0]);
y = cleanAddition(y, params[1]);
// horizontal lineto
if (command.toUpperCase() == "H") {
if (command == "H") {
x = params[0];
} else {
y = cleanAddition(y, params[0]);
return [x, y];
function parseSVGPath(s) {
var pathCommands = [];
var command;
var params;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(s[i])) {
command = s[i];
params = "";
for (var n = i + 1; n < s.length; n++) {
if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(s[n])) {
i = n - 1;
params += s[n];
pathCommands.push({ command: command, params: parseParams(params) });
return pathCommands;
// the raw svg commands you extracted
var rawPath = "M0,64.31V30.34L32.36,0l32.37,30.37v33.95H0Z";
// parse out the commands and their params
var parsedPath = parseSVGPath(rawPath);
// perform the commands to determine each point along the path
var points = [];
var coords = [];
var pos = [0, 0];
var command;
var params;
for (var i = 0; i < parsedPath.length; i++) {
command = parsedPath[i]["command"];
params = parsedPath[i]["params"];
if (command == "Z") {
// check for clospath command
pos = points[0];
} else {
pos = execSVGCommand(pos, command, params);
alert("Points (array)\n" + points);
alert('Points (formatted For Ae)\n["' + coords.join(" ") + '"]');
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Thank you sir!
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Hi @jduncan, I was recently drawn in to this challenge from a different direction, and wrote a basic SVG parser to draw illustrator DOM objects from svg data string. I found it was fun to do and it sounds like you did too. So we are both weirdos! 🙂
- Mark
Note: where I come from, being a "weirdo" is just fine. If it's a bad term where you come from, my apologies and I will edit.
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Haha, I'm definitely a weirdo! Your implementation looks way better thought out than mine btw. Cheers!
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Thanks weirdo buddy! 😝
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@femkeblanco don't pretend you're not one of us too! Haha 😜