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I have a MacOS Sierra and I just notice that
the Eyedropper don't work in Illustrator CC (The lates version, whatever it is on right now)
I already deleted like 5 folders on the preference folder and still don't pick up any from
text to text, like color, sizes, font, etc.
I had been looking for answers and can't find anything on the forums
If you know of any, please let me know
1 Correct answer
Open your Adobe illustrator Application while opening it Press cmd+shift+alt key from your keyboard and It will reset the illustrator to default setting then your eyedropper tool will be work.
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Did you double click the Eyedropper in the Toolbar to see if the right options are checked?
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This puzzled me from day one on my second computer, until today! Gee, Thanks!
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Open your Adobe illustrator Application while opening it Press cmd+shift+alt key from your keyboard and It will reset the illustrator to default setting then your eyedropper tool will be work.
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I did what you told me and it picks ONLY (in text) the color but NOT the sizes of the text
and that is EXACTLY why I love Illustrator.
Any more ideas?
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Hi, Try this method to pick the colors and values.
Illustrator Eye Dropper not working - Fix
Just spent a bit of time fighting with Adobe Illustrator CC on Mac OS X trying to figure out why Adobe Illustrator would not let me sample colors from a raster image using the eye dropper. I thought it was my clipping mask, or maybe a transparent frame, but it turns out this is a really simple fix. Ever since Adobe has provided the ability to place images into your Illustrator documents, they let you use the "link" setting on import. When you save as an EPS the images become embedded. Since the image I was sampling was not "embedded" I had to open my eye dropper tool properties (double-click the eye dropper tool icon in the toolbar) and change the Raster Sample Size to an average rather than point sample. In this instance, 3x3 Average (see the image). After making this change I could sample the colors from the image without issue.
Note: If you're working on a CMYK document and sampling colors from a placed RGB image the colors will be in RGB.
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Didn't work.
As right now, it can pick the color but NOT THE SIZES
For example, if I type ANY WORD with a 72 points, black, italic
Then, type ANOTHER WORD with a 12 points, blue, Regular
and I select the 72 points, black, italic, then with the eyedropper i point it to the 12 points,
the 72 points will change color and became a Regular font but it will stay at 72 points
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Well. It picking colors now.
Let me find a solutions for the text too!
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Thanks a lot M!
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Hey thanks this helped me! I've been puzzled why Illustrator's eyedropper tool not copying colours from raster images. Thanks a lot again.
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Here is a screenshot of what I have selected for the eyedropper
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I think that Pressing cmd+shift+alt key did the trick
Thanks a lot to all of you!
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That's Great!
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I think that Pressing cmd+shift+alt key did the trick
Thanks a lot to all of you!
Before resetting all the preferences, you should try all other options. Your eyedropper is set up wrongly. Your need to check the top checkboxes. It needs to look like this:
It would be awesome if everyone could just stop recommending to reset preferences before having dived into the issue more deeply.
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Hello Monika
take a look at this graphics (screenshots of the eyedropper box)
when I double clcik on the eyedropper, and everything is 'close", it looks like this
As soon as you click on that arrow, then, it looks like this:
You see? All the options are check, and still didn't worked.
So, as soon as I reseted the preference, it work.
And yes, I hate reseting the preference file because I will have to 'fix' all my work pallets and it takes time
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Hello Monika
take a look at this graphics (screenshots of the eyedropper box)
when I double clcik on the eyedropper, and everything is 'close", it looks like this
As soon as you click on that arrow, then, it looks like this:
You see? All the options are check, and still didn't worked.
Just don't click that arrow.
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Guess what happened?
I had to reset AGAIN the preference file because it wasn't working again ...
Is this a problem with Illustrator or Mac?
This is odd
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Which Illustrator version you are using ?