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Since the last update (Nov 1, 2017) - when I go to export my AI as a PNG, I'm forced to browse to the folder the AI file is saved in if I have opened another file before the export process has begun.
For example:
I am creating a file called "sample file". I save it to the folder I want it to be in.
While I'm working on the file, I need an element that exists in another file, "old file", so I open that to copy it.
I continue working on "sample file" and save the changes.
Now when I want to export it, I'm taken do the directory of "old file", instead of the one that "sample file" is saved in.
This only happened since the last update. The PNG resolution problem has been corrected with the most recent update, but the file location is still in error.
Hi laurie_g,
Sorry for the frustration this export location issue has caused you. Can you please make a post to our UserVoice page so the product team can look into this further? Adobe Illustrator Feedback
Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.
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What OS version?
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I have this too, for everything i save in illustrator.
I have the latest 2018 update including the export fix. Version 22.0.1.
64 bit windows 7 pro is my OS.
Any Ideas? I feel like I have looked through every setting.
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Sorry. I have Windows 10 Pro. 64 bit. I'm using Illustrator CC 22.0.1 (latest release)
The export saving problem occurred with the recent update. All was good with CC(2017). I do have the latest update fix as well for exporting to 300 ppi resolution.
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Windows used to have a setting at the OS level, to remember last folder save location. But if you are saying that you still have 2017 loaded on your computer, and this works there, but not for 2018 then the problem likely is with the 2018 update.
The mac also expereinces this issues, and like windows with each update of either the app or the OS the ability for this to work is at risk For Mac OS they have a plug in you can purchase default folder X that overrides this and works well. Windows might have their own.
In windows you can just set a default save location for all your file. Not sure that will help you any but wanted to mention incase this is useful.
I realize how important this issue is in a daily workflow, and I really wish both OS and software manufacturers would get together on this basic file management issue which has been problematic since the new millennium, but was never an issue in previously.
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Good to know, but I'm working with several folders so I don't want to set a default folder. I want the AI and the PNG images to be saved in the same location. What is happening is while I'm working on the AI file, I may open another image to grab some of the same elements, then when I go to export the first AI file it wants to go to the location of the second image I opened. This was not a problem before the update. I'm sure they'll get around to fixing it... when, I don't know, but eventually.
I just need to be careful when I'm exporting to make sure it goes with the AI file. Takes LOTS of extra time when I'm doing images all day long.
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Hi Laurie
when i "Save AS" it works fine, tring to save in the original location. But when i "Save As Copy" it opens where ever i last saved which is the same as your problem. But this only happens when i "save as copy" manually.
I dont know if you are familiar with writing scripts. I usually just run a script to save copies because it is faster and the copiees always have the same settings and the name changes in the same way. It is preprogrammed in my code to save to its original folder.
If the PNGs you save always have the same settings you might consider something similar.
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Thanks daneJ, I will look into scripts. I'm using Export | Export as... Usually it defaults to the same folder the AI was created in. I'm hoping they'll offer a fix (as it only broke with the latest update).
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I don’t know how familiar you are with coding so the below assumes you are not. Sorry about that.
The following script exports a PNG8. PNG24 is more difficult for some reason.
I took the script from the JavaScripting Reference for Illustrator and tweeked it a bit so it saves to the original location.
The exportOptions control the settings. The below example exports the active artboard(exportOptions.artBoardClipping), saves 300ppi(exportOptions.horizontalScale& exportOptions.verticalScale) with no transparency(exportOptions.transparency). You can toggle settings using true and false. Changing exportOptions.horizontalScale& exportOptions.verticalScale to 100 will give you 72 ppi.
To use the script, download Adobe’s extendscript toolkit, copy the below into a new document and modify as you like.
it must then be save in: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2018\Presets\de_DE\Skripten
My location address is written in German but it gives the general idea of the location. After restarting illustrator the script will be available under file>scripts.
More PNG exportOptions can be found at
Some notes: this code will save over a png of the same name that is already in the original folder if there is one. It will not ask before hand.
Also codes from other people are not always safe. It is a good idea to check with the Illustrator Scripting forum here in adobe forum site.
#target "illustrator"
var aiApp = app.activeDocument;
dest = aiApp.fullName
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var exportOptions = new ExportOptionsPNG8();
var type = ExportType.PNG8;
var fileSpec = new File(dest);
exportOptions.transparency = false;
exportOptions.horizontalScale = 416.67
exportOptions.verticalScale = 416.67
exportOptions.artBoardClipping = true;
aiApp.exportFile(fileSpec, type, exportOptions)
Hope that was helpful.
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Hi laurie_g,
Sorry for the frustration this export location issue has caused you. Can you please make a post to our UserVoice page so the product team can look into this further? Adobe Illustrator Feedback
Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.
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Added my vote also.
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Hi all,
This has been aptly explained by Ashutosh in this forum thread: Exporting to same folder
Here's the link for the feedback page: Export JPG/PNG(any format) in same folder of AI file (like before) – Adobe Illustrator Feedback