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Got an idea for Illustrator???

Engaged ,
May 09, 2001 May 09, 2001

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This forum was set up specifically for users to request features they'd like to see in future versions of Adobe Illustrator.

The truth is, everyone can come up with cool ideas for Illustrator -- whether your an expert, a novice, or anywhere in between. It's an open discussion so feel free to chime in with your ideas!

🙂 Mordy




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2001 Jun 12, 2001

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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2001 Jun 12, 2001

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Hmmm, since I am such a klutz at this forum use,
does anyone know of an an Adobe address/person I can mail a letter to? My
"feature request" is much easier explained as a graphic than a written




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Jun 12, 2001 Jun 12, 2001

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To include an image within a forum message you need to upload the image to a web server and then use the < img src= "yourimageURL.jpg> tag within the body of the message.

However, we would prefer yopu just make a link to the image rather than embedding it within the message then folks that don't want to see it needn't be saddled with bandwidth overhead




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Contributor ,
Jun 14, 2001 Jun 14, 2001

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Most if not all of the graphing (that is, charting) tools have an OK button
that applies the changes, but also closes the dialog.

When you're experimenting with different graph settings, it would save loads
of time to be able to Apply (and thus test) your settings before closing the




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New Here ,
Jun 14, 2001 Jun 14, 2001

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This is a cross post from one I put in the discussion threads. Someone said I should put it in this thread, too.

In AI, the Constrain function is less accessible than it is in FH,
because it is a preference setting. Besides being much less convenient
to get to, it also means you can't utilize it in AI's Actions. If you
COULD use it in Actions, it would be very useful in tech
illustration--moreso than FH's Constrain--because changing AI's
constrain also rotates the grid (!). So using Actions, you could set up
one-click buttons to rotate the grid to the axis you are drawing on, and
you'd be able to use the grid to measure along the axis.

If anyone pertainent at Adobe is listening here, I sure hope this would
be considered as a modification for the next version. Make the Constrain
function immediately accessible as a simple menu selection instead of a
preference. (In FH, it's a command under the View menu. There is a
Constrain Xtra that basically just lets you access the Constrain dialog
by clicking on a "tool" icon. So, for example, when you are drawing in
isometric, you can simply put the Constrain Tool in a convenient place
(mine stays in the main toolbar). You click it, key in either 30, 150,
or 0, and hit return. Don't even have to look at the screen, so it's
fairly quick. Of course, this is nowhere NEAR as good as it would be in
AI, if only the Constrain could be built into an Action. You could
create 3 buttons, (one for each X, Y, and Z axis) and one click would
give you a measurable grid on the appropriate axis. Besides FH not
having a macro capability like AI's Actions, FH's Constrain does not
rotate the grid. So making the Constrain funtion in AI a menu selection
instead of a preference would result in a significant advantage for tech illustration.

If you REALLY want to blow FH away in this regard, do the same thing
with the grid. The user definable Grid is similar to FH's Rulers in that
you can set the increment you want. But in FH, again, it's a menu
command/dialog, not a preference setting. And you can create as many
custom rulers as you want (they are then selectable from a popup at the
lower left of the document window). If AI allowed for multiple
user-defined grids, then made them accessible as menu items rather than
as prefs, you could switch them with Actions. Then, you could, with one
click, measure along your three drawing axes EVEN IF THEY HAD DIFFERENT
SCALES (facilitating dimetric and trimetric, instead of just isometric





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New Here ,
Jun 14, 2001 Jun 14, 2001

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It's a constant mystery to me why no PostScript vector drawing tool has any more capable an ellipse tool than every ordinary office application.

Similar to a set of ellipse templates, an ILLUSTRATION program should at least offer this:

Double click the ellipse tool to invoke a simple dialog in which is a field labeled "angle." If one keys in 35, he gets a 35 degree ellipse (scaled by the cosign of 30 degrees) when he ShiftDrags an ellipse, rather than a circle. Greatly needed for tech-ish illustration. The dialog should also have a check box labeled "isometric." This would ShiftConstrain the ellipse to 35°16' and scale it aproximately 124.24% so that its true measure would be across it's 30° (isometric) diameter.

Frankly, all LBOs and polygon tools should have this funtionality, but it is first and most sorely needed for ellipses.




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New Here ,
Jun 14, 2001 Jun 14, 2001

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With Smart Guides turned on, the Rotate tool snaps to the angles set in the Smart Guides preference, but relative to the position of the mouse click. This would be much more useful if it snaped to the pref angles relative to the center of transformation.

For example: I set the Smart Guides angles to 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 to facilitate isometric drawing. Then I try to rotate an ellipse to align correctly with an axis. But when I use the rotate tool, Smart Guides references the point where I first click to initiate the rotation, which is useless for my purpose. If it referenced the center of transformation point, I would know when I have ROTATED THE OBJECT 30 degrees, rather than merely when I have moved my mouse around the point where I clicked. But instead, the Smart Guides only indicates the default 45 and 90 degrees relative to the origin point about which I am rotating the object.





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New Here ,
Jun 19, 2001 Jun 19, 2001

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The debate rages on about whether or not to install multipage/layout technology in illustrator, more advanced illustration and photo-editing in InDesign, more vector capabilities in Photoshop, etc, etc... and at the same time to speed up ALL the programs!

I think the solution is to build ONE big-ass application that consists of dozens of modules that can be opened and closed AS NEEDED, to save memory and avoid too much complexity. Each module would be a seperate entity that could be run alone to perform certain tasks, and when combined with another module, both are enhanced. For instance, why do we need seperate (and less robust) vector tools in Photoshop, when we've got great tools in illustrator, already? If you could work on a layer in photoshop THROUGH ai, then you'd have a much more incredible tool on your side. Similarly, why do we have 3 completely different page setup and print procedures, when we could have ONE print module that handles them all? "Save for Web" (which already exists as a module much like I'm talking about here) shouldn't be three seperate modules for 3 seperate programs... just make it once, for all three. And the other big programs: Acrobat, Dimensions, Streamline, all could benefit from this as well. Imagine InDesign's layout tools being used in Acrobat? Or Streamlining a photograph without having to leave illustrator?

Filters and plug-ins are good starts for such a system, but applying a filter to an object in ai or psd is pretty much a trial-and-error, do-and-undo process. If each filter were, in effect, an application in itself, with it's own history, it's own documents... then you could work on an object (or layer) both places, using the tools from the "native" program as well as the filter, to fine-tune your work.

You could potentially have hundreds of modules, each independently updatable, each sold seperately or en masse. And, hopefully, third-party players could get into the game much like those that produce filters do now.

We don't need more memory-hogs on our systems. We need more efficiency.




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New Here ,
Jun 19, 2001 Jun 19, 2001

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Well Said Ben...I'd like to see that far better than multipage documents

-Ben S




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Engaged ,
Jun 19, 2001 Jun 19, 2001

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So basically, what you're asking for is Apple's defunct OpenDoc, right?

Sigh.. I remember when Apple announced it... it was a dream come true (along with publish and subscribe, newton, copeland, etc...)

I agree though, the concept is truly wonderful. Although it is simply an engineering nightmare :)

🙂 Mordy




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New Here ,
Jun 21, 2001 Jun 21, 2001

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Although I know Illlustrator is not ment to be a typesetting program I think the tab function need to have the leader dots or periods. I'd hate to have to use Quark or Pagemaker for that one and only purpose.




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New Here ,
Jun 21, 2001 Jun 21, 2001

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Consideration for packaging companies. Many of the new features are fantastic but they do not print well. I know it's becomming a "web world" BUT all to many of those people want the WEB on their Label / Box / Etc. . .

I guess I am asking for more "time in the field" seeing WHAT EXACTLY people are using Illustrator for.




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New Here ,
Jun 27, 2001 Jun 27, 2001

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I have trouble with compound paths. Take, for example the letter "B." It has three paths, two of which should be compounded with the outside path. When I open a file that has had compound paths released, then select letter "B" for example, only the top or bottom hole shows.

I must do a pathfiner->divide and then ungroup and delete the inside of the B to have the background show through.

More Robust Compound Features, please.




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New Here ,
Jun 27, 2001 Jun 27, 2001

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AI9 introduced the ability to export to cgm, but only version 1? This feature was almost obsolete when it was introduced!

Give us the capability to export (or "Save As") cgm 1 thru 4, including their different profiles (ATA, CALS, etc.)

I know cgm is not as good as postscript, but like it or not,the demand for it is growing (particularly in Europe).




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New Here ,
Jun 28, 2001 Jun 28, 2001

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A "Save As Copy" option is needed in the Save As dialog box (like Photoshop 6). I don't get why AI bucks the standard Mac logic by not updating an open document's name in the Title Bar when you "Save As." Rather, you must close the open document and open the newly Saved As document. One careless Command-S after a Save As, and you've contaminated the original. AI didn't used to do that. Drives me nuts. Thanks for the forum and a great product.




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New Here ,
Jul 12, 2001 Jul 12, 2001

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I have an idea that involves saving artwork. When you save a file and go through to select illustrator v3 - v8 ---not v9--- and select if and how you want the preview, etc and hit "OK" it then takes you to another dialogue box that tells you if you really want to do this.<br /><br />I usually fly through the dialogues and sometimes forget to check or uncheck an option....<br /><br />The point is that it would be nice when the dialogue pops up telling you to go ahead and save or cancel saving that you guys might put a <back> button to go back to the previous window where we can reselect our options and THEN save the file. Otheriwse we have to go back to the drawing and do apple-S.<br /><br />I know its not a big thing but it would really add to an already elegant program.




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New Here ,
Jul 12, 2001 Jul 12, 2001

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Using ai for packaging, add a box (like layers) that lets me see the separations of each color (like Art Pro)

As a wysiwyg user and a lithograph/printer: if you put 30% spot color (transparent) on the top of the same spot color 20% ... it will turn 50% of that spot color...? but it's the same color ... I want it just 30% ...

photoshop DCS's embedded in ai!!! or linked but give me some resolution, I can't place them accurate!




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New Here ,
Jul 13, 2001 Jul 13, 2001

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I am working in illustrator right now and have a file that has thousands of control points. My explanation is difficult without a picture but here goes...I am trying to visually line up a particular group of elements within the design --- but this element must move in sequence with other elements.

Problem is that all I see are the blue control points. I cannot see the art.

Could you provide an option to reduce the size of control points or even turn them off in some instances? Right now all I see are globs blue control points.




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New Here ,
Jul 18, 2001 Jul 18, 2001

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How about a simple extrusion tool?
Canvas, a much less expensive program can do this.
I don't mean a complete version of Dimensions, but at least extrude/rotate/lighsource.
I think that would rock!




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New Here ,
Jul 18, 2001 Jul 18, 2001

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Please add new requests to a new topic.




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Jun 03, 2009 Jun 03, 2009

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Paste inside function please (as in Freehand),

clipping masks can be a hassle (eg. needing to duplicate objects).




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 04, 2009 Jun 04, 2009

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Add the funtionality for making stipple fills and stipple fill gradients -- a feature that had been in Illustrator ver8.junk.png




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New Here ,
Jun 10, 2009 Jun 10, 2009

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Make the mask feature more like "paste inside" from Freehand. Instead of having to bring a mask shape to the front and have it's attributes vaporize when a mask is made, create the ability to cut artwork and then paste it into any shape, leaving that shape unaltered. Or, when artwork is masked, how about simply cropping it to the mask itself? It is very confusing to look at masked artwork in keyline view, because the art extends past the mask.




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New Here ,
Jun 24, 2009 Jun 24, 2009

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I would like for there to be a way to switch between the two types of text boxes while selected on an already existing text box (not having to re-type everything would be wonderful).  Have an option to switch between paragraph text and artistic text.  That would be the best!

I would really like to be able to select angled guides while zoomed far in (as well as zoomed in all the way).  Once they have been turned on an angle, you are not able to grab the guides without having to zoom out from the artwork.  That makes it really hard to get the guides precisly where they need to be and also makes it difficult to duplicate them quickly.





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Community Expert ,
Jun 24, 2009 Jun 24, 2009

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WTF? C'mon, Mordy, you know better than this. You know what I'm talking about.




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