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Ok so i'm pretty new to the program, the guides have been working but have suddenly stopped.
I can see the dotted lines when i pull from the ruler but when i release they don't show and disappear.
The layer is unlocked, i have smart guides ticked, i've checked and i'm not hiding guides, my colour is set to cyan.
So what am i doing wrong.
thanks in advance
By any chance is View > Guides > Hide Guides turned on?
Hi abip1983
Oh, wait, you said "lines", plural—not "line" singular, and you also said you are new to the program. Are you seeing two lines with a cross-hair or one line with an arrow?
Any chance you are dragging from the corner? If so, that is moving the zero point on the rulers. Double-click the corner to put the zero point back.
To drag a ruler, put your mouse further out on the ruler (not in the corner) and drag.
Or double-click in the ruler
Or Shift + double-click in the ruler to snap to the nea
...Uncheck 'Trim View' under View and then guides will appear
If anyone else is still having this issue after trying all of these other solutions, make sure that the layer you have selected is not locked.
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If anyone else is still having this issue after trying all of these other solutions, make sure that the layer you have selected is not locked.
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In Acrobat? Not possible!!
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This post is for Adobe Illustrator, not Acrobat.
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Yes, I understand that. My point was it also happens in Acrobat.
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@drtamarap schrieb:
Yes, I understand that. My point was it also happens in Acrobat.
Please report that in the Acrobat forum. Those are different apps, different teams, different development platform.
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Been almost a decade since this question, but i had a similar problem, turned out that, if you make a clipping mask, with a ruler guide inside the clipping mask, it will be untouchable.
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I had this problem too. None of the other correct answers was relevant to my situation – in my case, I finally realised that I had "Hide Edges" turned on (CMD-H Mac, CTRL-H Windows). It is easy to forget if you have done this...
I "fixed" the issue by going to View > Show Edges.
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If the Guides are unlocked and selected, Hide Edges will indeed hide them.
Guides that are not selected are still visible.
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Try closing and update program.
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2025 answer - I experience this problem intermittently. Here is what I do to fix it. None of the solutions on this post worked for me, but here is what always works for me (apologies if somehow I missed someone else who posted this solution) > The layer that I am dragging guides into seems corrupt. So if I either duplicate the layer that contained my original guides or create a new layer and drag new guides into it, I can see the guides. Works every time.