How can I save a pattern in CC Library?
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Hey together!
I got a problem. Is it possible to save patterns (created in Illustrator) to my Creative Cloud Library? Everytime i try to save it like a color, the + Symbol greys out. Please help me.
Kind regards
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Patterns aren't supported as an asset type in CC Libraries, but there is a work-around. Fill an object with the pattern and add that object as a graphic. Then in a new document, you can drag out the shape, double-click on it until you get down to the Clip Group (or use the eyedropper to sample it). Then the New Swatch icon at the bottom of the Swatches panel will become enabled, and you can add the pattern to your document.
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Is there anywhere to request or vote for this feature in 2021 coming up 2022?
It would make workflow less counterintuitive for many Adobe Illustrator pattern designers.
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You can add your vote here:
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Thank you for the link: I have just added my two yen to the vote!
Let's hope we see this feature added soon.
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Pfft. I don't think Adobe care. It's 2024, and you still can't do it! And that workaround Myra (above) suggested does not work at all for me. It just places the pattern-filled library as a raster object, and all I can pick up with the eyedropper is individual colours used in the pattern. 😞
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You can start, as Myra mentioned, by dragging an object filled with a pattern to the CC Library.
You can also drag multiple items filled with different patterns together into a CC library to simulate a pattern library.
The easiest way to add them to a new document is to hold down the Alt key when you drag them from the library and place them in a new document. The pattern(s) automatically get added to your swatches panel.
You can delete the dragged library items because the patterns are now part of the document.
In the same way you can use saved gradient swatches and global colors in CC libraries.
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Well, I have patterns in my Creative Cloud that I loaded the in a year ago. I don't remember how I got them in, but they are there and work fine in illustrator.
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I wonder if you used Adobe Capture. It's a mobile app and was also added to Photoshop through the CC Library there. You can create patterns using Capture via the CC Library in Photoshop that can be used as patterns in Illustrator. Here's more info:
Adobe Capture is Now Available on Desktop for Photoshop and Creative Cloud Libraries
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Ya, I think that is it! It all came back to me when you mentiond 'Adobe Capture'. Now I will have to figure out how to get an illustrater swatch pattern over to photoshop then to get it to Creative Cloud... I would think, with all this ability to move stuff between the adobe apps that 'patterns' could be moved around easaly.
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Thanks for posting this great tip.
This is a much quicker way to get pattern swatches between documents by putting (pattern swatch) filled objects into the Library and then option dragging the Object into a second document from my CC Library.
I hope Adobe will soon make it possible to save Pattern swatches directly into our Libraries.
Until then I will use Ton's method here to speed things up.
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Just chiming in with a similar question — in 2023! I've used the workaround outlined above to add pattern swatches to an existing Library. They are all named as I want them to appear in the Swatch palette (diagonal lines etc). In a new doc I hold down Option and drag them onto the artboard. They don't appear in the Swatches palette until I drag each one from the artboard into the palette. That is all okay, but the name of the original pattern swatch is gone. They just read "New Pattern Swatch 3" etc. Is there any work around so that the name remains with the pattern? Adding logos and colors to a library is very simple but adding patterns is not!! Help please Adobe!
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You need to fill an object with your named pattern first. Then drag that object to the CC library. Alt drag it from the CC library into other docs and it should be added to your document Swatch library.
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Thanks for your response. My order of operations right now is: add named swatch to CC library. Open new doc, Option (on a Mac) and drag pattern swatch to artboard (can't go directly to Swatch palette). Then Shift and drag the pattern to get it to the Swatches palette. Then the name on the swatch is gone.
I don't have a problem getting the swatch into my library. I can't get it to keep it's name when I add to the library in another document. Hope that makes sense.
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sorry, edit to previous post — I can't get it to keep it's name when I add to the Swatches palette in another document.
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My order of operations right now is: add named swatch to CC library
You need to create an object first, fill it with a named pattern swatch, drag this object to the CC library. Alt drag this from the CC library into new documents.
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Did this "alt + drag into new document" feature get removed in a recent update?
I used to be able to do this will multiple objects in my library, and it has suddenly stopped adding the pattern swatch to the document.
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There is a recent new feature to add patterns to a CC library, but the older workaround to add an object filled with a pattern to a library and alt-drag it from the CC library onto a new document still works.
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Got it, I was doing something wrong. Thanks for the help and prompt reply!