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How to Align Text, which is Point Type Tool with no loosing even a pixel distanse?

New Here ,
Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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Hello, I was trying to align Text with Point Type Tool to an object, but everytime between the object and the text is about 0.84 pixel distance. I know that i can create outlines from the text and align the text to an object  ideally, but I want to edit the text afterwords. And I don`t want to use Area Type Tool, because the first reason is that Area Type Tool has much more distance between the text and his field, and aligning it will bring me more unnecesarry  distance between the object and the text, the second reason is why i don`t want to use Area Type Tool is the next - when I am trying to edit my AI file with Area Type Tool text on the another PC my text sometimes is just dissappearing , when with Point Type Tool it is not. I just need to find out how can i ideally align exactly Point Type Tool with an object, without losing any pixel distance. In some sense i figured it out by using transparent stroke, passing it through the texts edges, not passing through the field of the text, i am aligning that stroke to an object, it is aligning just perfect and then i am just carrying the text to that transparent stroke bye eye. It really takes from me much time to do all the things, and i am just wondering is there any helpfull ideas how can i do that really, really fast? Below you  can see the pics, how am i doing it, i am aligning it to the object`s center. I gave the blue color  to the transparent stroke and used the ruler to the bottom of those two texts for you to understand the differense. Thank you in advance!  22833541_236439430220144_677630848_o.png






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