> There must be more ways.
Personally, I'd use the Polar Grid tool. Clickdrag, but don't mouseup. Press and hold the down arrow key until you have only one circle. Tap the left arrow key until you have only three radii. Press and hold shift to constrain the circular proportion, then mouseup.
But then I would be annoyed that the three pie slices have four points each. So...how do you make three 120 degree pie slices with only three tidy points each?
1. Polygon Tool: Mousedown at some pre-existing snap location. It could be the intersection of two guides, an anchorpoint of a path, etc. Drag, but don't mouse up. Tap the down arrow keys until the polygon has only three sides (an equilateral triangle).
2. WhitePointer: Select two of the triangle's anchorPoints. Click the Convert To Smooth button. Select the other anchorPoint. Click the Convert To Smoot button. (Why two operations? Because in Illustrator's lame Control Panel, the Convert / Cut Selected Points buttons disappear if all the points of a path are selected--more evidence that Illustrator doesn't know the difference between a path being selected as an object and merely having all its points selected.)
3. Select>Path>DirectionHandles.
4. ScaleTool: AltClick the snap-to location that was used in step 1. In the resulting dialog, enter 128.4%.
5. Ctrl-X (Cut to clipboard). Delete. Paste In Front.
6. White Pointer: ShiftClick one of the three pasted paths to deselect it. Delete (the other two are deleted.)
7. Pen Tool: Click one of the endpoints. Click the snap-to location. Click the other endpoint.
8. White Pointer: AltClick the path to select all of it. Scale Tool: AltClick the snap-to location. In the resulting dialog, enter 120 degrees, click Copy. Ctrl-D (Transform Again).