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I try to generate svg string using extendscript everything is working properly except flip.
My code
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// Get the current selection in Illustrator
var selectedItems = doc.selection;//[0];
// Check if a path item is selected and convert it to an SVG path string
if (selectedItems.length > 0) {
//var selectedItem = app.activeDocument.selection[0];
// Loop through each item in the selection
for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
var item = selectedItems[i];//alert(item.typename);
if (item.typename === 'CompoundPathItem' || item.typename === "PathItem" || item.typename === "GroupItem") {
var svgString = compoundOrGroupItemToSVG(item);
alert(svgString); // Output the generated SVG string
} else {
alert("Please select a PathItem.");
} else {
alert("No item selected.");
function applyTransform(pathItem, point) {
if (!point || point.length < 2) {
alert("Invalid point: " + point);
return point; // Return the original point if transformation cannot be applied
var artboardHeight = getArtboardHeight();alert(artboardHeight);
var matrix = pathItem.matrix;
// If matrix is undefined, fallback to untransformed coordinates
if (!matrix) {
//alert("Matrix is undefined for pathItem. Using untransformed coordinates.");
return point;
return [point[0], artboardHeight - point[1]];
// Apply the transformation matrix
var newX = (matrix.mValueA * point[0]) + (matrix.mValueC * point[1]) + matrix.mValueTX;
var newY = (matrix.mValueB * point[0]) + (matrix.mValueD * point[1]) + matrix.mValueTY;
// Invert the y-axis to match SVG coordinate system (flip vertically)
//newY = -newY;
// Flip the y-axis
newY = artboardHeight - newY;
return [newX, newY];
// Recursive function to handle GroupItems and apply transformations
function compoundOrGroupItemToSVG(item) {
var svgString = '';
alert("Item Type: " + item.typename);
if (item.typename === 'GroupItem') {
// For GroupItems, recursively process each child item
for (var i = 0; i < item.pageItems.length; i++) {
svgString += compoundOrGroupItemToSVG(item.pageItems[i]) + ' ';
} else if (item.typename === 'CompoundPathItem') {
for (var i = 0; i < item.pathItems.length; i++) {
svgString += pathItemToSVG(item.pathItems[i]) + ' ';
} else if (item.typename === 'PathItem') {
svgString = pathItemToSVG(item);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported item type. Please select a valid PathItem, CompoundPathItem, or GroupItem.");
return svgString.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// Function to handle PathItems, including applying transformations
function pathItemToSVG(pathItem) {
if (!pathItem || !pathItem.pathPoints) {
alert("Invalid PathItem or no path points found.");
return '';
var svgString = '';
alert("Path Points Length: " + pathItem.pathPoints.length);
for (var i = 0; i < pathItem.pathPoints.length; i++) {
var point = pathItem.pathPoints[i];
var anchor = applyTransform(pathItem, point.anchor); // Apply transformations to the anchor
var leftDirection = applyTransform(pathItem, point.leftDirection); // Transform leftDirection
var rightDirection = applyTransform(pathItem, point.rightDirection); // Transform rightDirection
if (i === 0) {
svgString += 'M ' + anchor[0] + ' ' + anchor[1] + ' ';
} else {
var prevPoint = pathItem.pathPoints[i - 1];
var prevRightDirection = applyTransform(pathItem, prevPoint.rightDirection);
var prevAnchor = applyTransform(pathItem, prevPoint.anchor);
var isPrevCurve = !arePointsEqual(prevRightDirection, prevAnchor);
var isCurrentCurve = !arePointsEqual(leftDirection, anchor);
if (isPrevCurve || isCurrentCurve) {
svgString += 'C ' + prevRightDirection[0] + ' ' + prevRightDirection[1] + ', ' +
leftDirection[0] + ' ' + leftDirection[1] + ', ' +
anchor[0] + ' ' + anchor[1] + ' ';
} else {
svgString += 'L ' + anchor[0] + ' ' + anchor[1] + ' ';
if (pathItem.closed) {
var lastPoint = pathItem.pathPoints[pathItem.pathPoints.length - 1];
var firstPoint = pathItem.pathPoints[0];
var lastRightDirection = applyTransform(pathItem, lastPoint.rightDirection);
var firstLeftDirection = applyTransform(pathItem, firstPoint.leftDirection);
if (!arePointsEqual(lastRightDirection, lastPoint.anchor) || !arePointsEqual(firstLeftDirection, firstPoint.anchor)) {
svgString += 'C ' + lastRightDirection[0] + ' ' + lastRightDirection[1] + ', ' +
firstLeftDirection[0] + ' ' + firstLeftDirection[1] + ', ' +
firstPoint.anchor[0] + ' ' + firstPoint.anchor[1] + ' ';
} else {
svgString += 'L ' + firstPoint.anchor[0] + ' ' + firstPoint.anchor[1] + ' ';
svgString += 'Z'; // Close the path
return svgString.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// Function to check if two points are equal
function arePointsEqual(p1, p2) {
return Math.round(p1[0]) === Math.round(p2[0]) && Math.round(p1[1]) === Math.round(p2[1]);
// Get artboard height (required to flip y-axis correctly)
function getArtboardHeight() {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var artboard = doc.artboards[doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()];
var artboardRect = artboard.artboardRect;
return artboardRect[1] - artboardRect[3]; // Top - Bottom gives height
in ai file
After generate the svg string. it shows like this.
M 36.5816654535147 -14.3002793939668 L 41.7569670791854 -24.7865985150902 L 53.3293037524545 -26.4681631279418 L 44.9554777737085 -34.6306182796943 L 46.9322634877535 -46.1561965240799 L 36.5816527913412 -40.7145521183866 L 26.2310368778262 -46.1561866005604 L 28.2078336418708 -34.630610251399 L 19.8340154887783 -26.4681470713513 L 31.4063537742213 -24.78659355333 L 36.5816654535147 -14.3002793939668 Z
Please advice on this
Hi @Arunkumar25715058ufpl, try changing this part:
// If matrix is undefined, fallback to untransformed coordinates
if (!matrix) {
//$.writeln("Matrix is undefined for pathItem. Using untransformed coordinates.");
return [point[0],-point[1]];
- Mark
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Hi @Arunkumar25715058ufpl, try changing this part:
// If matrix is undefined, fallback to untransformed coordinates
if (!matrix) {
//$.writeln("Matrix is undefined for pathItem. Using untransformed coordinates.");
return [point[0],-point[1]];
- Mark
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Thanks @m1b
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You're welcome!