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Hi gurus,
I have an object which is basically a sunburst, in black and white. On top of that I want some text to be displayed, but where the background is black, I want the text to be white, and vice versa. How should I go about doing this?
Please be gentle, it's a learning experience
I've been searching for a couple of hours to no avail. Is this that complicated to do?
Kindest regards,
1 Correct answer
You may outline the Type, tick Use Even - Odd Fill Rule, select everything, and Object>Compound Path>Make (white becomes transparent).
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You may outline the Type, tick Use Even - Odd Fill Rule, select everything, and Object>Compound Path>Make (white becomes transparent).
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Hey Jacob,
thanks for your answer.
Alas, I can't outline the text... The "create outlines" is greyed out. When I click on "Use Even-Odd Fill Rule", it immediately jumps back to "Use Non-Zero Winding Fill Rule" and I can't create a Compound Path because (I presume) the text is still tekt and not a path?
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I didn't have the Select tool selected
I can outline the font, Use the Even-Odd Fill Rule, but when I make the Compound Path, what happens is the inverse of what I want.
The text stays black over the black part, and becomes transparent over the white part...
(so it basically becomes invisible... )
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Edited out, crossposting.
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The text has a lot of anchor points, and the Layers panel says it's a compound path.
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It should say that, so that is not the issue.
Still pondering, a quarter till midnight here; I believe it is the same with you.
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yes, it is the same here
Here's a screenshot (hope it's ok to post that)
So what I want is, (of course the text would be lower, I put it higher up for clarity), that the letters show as white over the black rays, and stay black over the white part.
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Can you post one with the rays also selected?
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The rays are a group.
Also it's on a different layer.
There are separate triangles. (there's another piece of text there, that I want to give the same treatment)
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Also, the rays are in a different layer than the text, not sure if that is relevant?
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Ah, yes, that was it!
I put the text in the same layer, did Make Compound Path again, and I got what I want...
Many thanks!!
I've been struggling with this for hours!
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You are welcome, Wim.
The groups being in separate layers should not cause it, but there must be something changed for the better.
We made it today.
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I'm so confused on this. You said "you may outline the type, tick Use Even - Odd Fill Rule,..." but where can i find this? I've been struggling to look for this in adobe D:
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It's in the Attributes panel.
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Thanks for this, but if it's not any trouble could you direct me to that panel? I'm completely 100% new to this software and need some help with navigating to that attributes panel.
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Nevermind, I actually found the attributes panel but when I click the Even-Odd fill rule it clicks back. Something is wrong where the software doesn't like what I'm doing and I can't enable the rule.
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Please show the contents of the layer in the layer panel.
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