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how to set the space between two circles

Enthusiast ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023


I would like to set the space between these two circles. How to do it ?


screenshot0010.pngexpand image

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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

So you want a certain diameter for each of those circles?

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Enthusiast ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

Hi Monika,

My goal is to set the distance between the two circles (see red arrow), in pt.


11h02.pngexpand image

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Advocate ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

Pierret, Hi.

To set a specific distance between the two circles, you can use Object>Path>Offset.

In the Offset dialog box, type in the distance you desire.


Screen Offset.pngexpand image

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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023



As I (mis)understand it, and believe that both Monika and k do, you wish to have two concentric circles with a certain difference in radius shown with the red double arrow in your second screenshot.


If they are to be concentric, the distance can only be the difference in radius (hafl the diameter, as in the W value).


This means that if you have chosen both diameters and the distance = difference in radius is wrong, you will have to change either or both diameters.


If one of them needs to have a certain diameter, you will have to change the other one, or create a new one which you can do as shown by k.


Otherwise you will have to choose both diameters knowing that the differnce must be twice the value represented by the red double arrow, with an infinite number of possible sets of values.



If on the other hand you wish to keep the existing diameters of the circles and change the difference in position of the leftmost Anchor Points of the circles (with the red double arrow in between), you can Align them horizontally (Align panel), presumably with one of them as key object to stay in place and then move the other one by the desired distance.



It all depends on the answer to the question that Monika asked: "So you want a certain diameter for each of those circles?"

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Enthusiast ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

Hi Jacob, 

In fact, I would like to keep the external circle with no change on the diameter, and would like to set by example a distance of 10 pt between the external circle and the inner circle. So the inner circle only will have automatically a change on its diameter. How to set this ?

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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023



k gave the solution to that case: the Offset Path = Décalage, in the Tracé part of the Objet dropdown (see below).


If you delete the smaller circle and simply use the value -10pt (negative because you make a smaller circle inside) as offset, you are done.



For the translation above, I have relied on this valuable source kindly made available by Monika,



It can also be used in connexion with other cases where you may need to know what we of lacking French skills are talking about,


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Guide ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

This can be done with Offset path, as suggested by @kphotopage, with a negative offset. 


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Enthusiast ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

Thank you. I have now my two circles.

My goal is to make this graphic (see the first graphic in the picture) :

8h15.pngexpand image

So I need to :

- transform the design of the inner circle.

- put a text line with the letter "g" at the center of the inner circle.

How to set this ?

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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023



You can:


1) Write the number 8 and outline it (optional, you can also keep it as live Type, and you can adjust by eye if needed: what looks right is right), then select it along with the inner circle, then Click the inner circle again to make it the key object, then in the Align panel use Align Objects and both Horizontal Align Center and Vertical Align Center;


This will centre the 8 inside the inner circle;


2) Select the inner circle, then apply Dashed Line with a suitable Dash and Gap;


This will finish the top set;


3) Move a copy of the top set from 1) down, then untick the Dashed Line from the inner circle and apply it to the outer circle with suitable Dash and Gap;


4) Move a copy of the middle set from 2) down, then select the outer circle and apply the Offset Path with a suitable positive offset (maybe the same amount as between the outer and inner circles), then untick the Dashed Line


That ought to give you the whole artwork.

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Guide ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

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Enthusiast ,
Dec 26, 2023 Dec 26, 2023

I have made my graphic and selected it,  then I have done "File/Export the selection" and would like to export my selection in SVG : 


screenshot0015.pngexpand image

Is it possible to export the selection with a little margin that I could set ? How to set this margin ?

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