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So I've been trying to remake a logo I designed by making the lettering inside a shape transparent. So I went ahead and made all letters into paths, ungrouped them and released them from their compound paths but for some reason none of them could make a proper compound path with the outer shape. I made sure all shapes where closed, not compounded and ungrouped but still nothing. I even went ahead and tested a handdrawn path instead of the lettering and it worked! So the issue wasnt with the outer shape, so then i tried to see if the lettering would make a compound shape with a different outer path and this also worked! So i now know that neither the outer path nor the individual paths for the lettering are at fault but i still cant make them work together. Does anyone know why this is happening?
Selecting outer path and inner letter path.
Making inproper compound path.
Testing same outer path with different inner path and somehow working.
Testing same inner letter path with different outer path and somehow working.
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You may need to reverse the direction of the inner path:
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thanks for the reply but i found it just worked once i closed the application and openned it again. Probably just a bug on my end.