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Illustrator autosave recovery file...

Jun 20, 2013 Jun 20, 2013

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Two questions...

I just downloaded Illustrator CC and it crashed while I was working on it.

1) How/where do I recover the file

2) Where do I set the autosave options?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 21, 2015 Jun 21, 2015

DS WildOutWest wrote:

... surely... it's time for this. Think of all the lost hours - please please please fix this.

And good news, Adobe just did:

Illustrator CC 2015: New features summary

So they were listening and now there is a new feature in Illustrator called Recovery...

Here's more information on it:

Illustrator Help | Recover document data after a crash


Community Beginner ,
Jun 04, 2014 Jun 04, 2014

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That's great news, indyboosler. Hope you continue to find it useful. Any problems or suggestions then just give me a shout.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2014 Jun 18, 2014

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Illustrator not being 64 bit is so not the answer.  AutoCAD has had an autosave feature for decades.  Adobe is being lazy




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New Here ,
Jun 25, 2014 Jun 25, 2014

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I suppose your .ai file was corrupted by unknown reason. It's possible by virus and therefore Adobe Illustrator changed it's features and opened it for you in Read-only Mode.

You may try to repair .ai file with the help of Recovery Toolbox for Illustrator


program works with .ai files of any version of Adobe Illustrator




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 29, 2014 Jun 29, 2014

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Now you can use Free Autosaviour plug-in. Also it saves a backup.




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New Here ,
Nov 06, 2014 Nov 06, 2014

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Oh Illustrator, why have thou forsaken me??

How do I tell a client I lost all the changes we made? Christ




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New Here ,
Nov 15, 2014 Nov 15, 2014

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I Found this link, and it works

all you must do is to load the action when you open a file and play it

by setting intervals such as 30 secs

and not in the post but can set two save options so it saves two versions of recent changes almost like a history



Autosave in Adobe Illustrator Using the Actions Palette

by Iaroslav Lazunov24 Aug 201140 Comments

If you participate in vector graphics forums, then you might have seen the question "Is there an Autosave feature in Adobe Illustrator?" and theorists would always say "no, there is not," more often advising to save the work through the Save and Save As commands.

These people are not familiar with these fluttering feelings of delight of a true artist, when vector is so nicely flexible and filled with the desired beauty, when you forget about the time and space, not even mentioning some trivial Shift + S. If you're one of those artists, I can teach you how to create an "Auto Save" on your own. This technique was developed by my friend Igor Tchernitsyn.

Create a new file (File > New) and name it in the open dialog box. Open the Action palette (Window > Action). Activate the Create New Set button and name it "Autosave."

Activate the Create New Action button and leave the name that is given by default as "Action 1."

Re-activate the Create New Action button and leave the name that is given by default as "Action 2."

Stop Action recording with the Stop Playing / Recording button.

Select "Action 1" and start action recording, by pressing the Begin Recording button.

Select "Action 2" and click on the Play Current Selection button.

Stop Action recording by pressing the Stop Playing / Recording button.

Select "Action 2," and turn off the Toggle Item in front of "Action 1," by removing it from the palette. Now start action recording by pressing the Begin Recording button.

Select "Action 1" and activate the Play Current Selection button.

If you participate in vector graphics forums, then you might have seen the question "Is there an Autosave feature in Adobe Illustrator?" and theorists would always say "no, there is not," more often advising to save the work through the Save and Save As commands.

These people are not familiar with these fluttering feelings of delight of a true artist, when vector is so nicely flexible and filled with the desired beauty, when you forget about the time and space, not even mentioning some trivial Shift + S. If you're one of those artists, I can teach you how to create an "Auto Save" on your own. This technique was developed by my friend Igor Tchernitsyn.

Create a new file (File > New) and name it in the open dialog box. Open the Action palette (Window > Action). Activate the Create New Set button and name it "Autosave."

Activate the Create New Action button and leave the name that is given by default as "Action 1."

Re-activate the Create New Action button and leave the name that is given by default as "Action 2."

Stop Action recording with the Stop Playing / Recording button.

Select "Action 1" and start action recording, by pressing the Begin Recording button.

Select "Action 2" and click on the Play Current Selection button.

Stop Action recording by pressing the Stop Playing / Recording button.

Select "Action 2," and turn off the Toggle Item in front of "Action 1," by removing it from the palette. Now start action recording by pressing the Begin Recording button.

Select "Action 1" and activate the Play Current Selection button.

Wait until the record is complete and stop it by activating the Stop Playing / Recording button.

Turn on the Toggle Item in front of "Action 1."

Action that works in a closed cycle is ready, now you need to check if it works.

Select the Set "Autosave" and click on Play Current Selection button.

If you correctly repeated all the above mentioned routine operations, you will see how the Action works non-stop, irritating your eyes with continuous blinking. Now stop Action, by clicking Stop Playing / Recording button.

Select Action 1 and start action recording, by pressing the Begin Recording button.

Now write a new action in the Action, to do this go to File > Save As.

Choose a folder on the disk to which we will save our work.

Stop recording with action button Stop Playing / Recording. Note that there is a new recording in "Action 1."

Now select the recording "Save As" in "Action 1" and drag it to one step up, as shown below.

Select the recording "Save As" in "Action 1," and while holding down Alt, move it before "Play Action" recording in "Action 2."

Now let's test the created "Autosave" action to work. Select the Set "Autosave" button and start the action with the Play Current Selection.

Start drawing, preferably something complex using a number of layers and effects, and the action will automatically save your brilliant creation. Everything is fine, but why do we need an immediate saving of all that goes out of your brilliant pen. Set the time interval between the savings. Choose the Playback Option from the menu of the Action palette.

Activate the "Pause For" option and set the time interval between the acts and action. I set the max - 100 seconds, that means the interval between the savings will be 200 seconds.

Of course, you can set time interval you like. The Action is ready, before you start working do not forget to turn it on by pressing the Play Current Selection button, and turn it off at the end by pressing the Stop Playing / Recording button.

In order not to create an action of the autosave from the beginning each time, save it. Press the Stop Playing / Recording button and open the Action palette menu and select Save Action and save it in a convenient place.


To download this action to the palette, open the Action palette menu and choose Load Action.

Hopefully, this technique is as useful for you as it is for me, and you will not be freaking out the next time your power turns off.


i tried it and it works as long as all steps are followed




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2014 Dec 08, 2014

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Ooof! That's a lot of steps to follow! Although the Actions method works, I'd be a little nervy (possibly needlessly) about a constantly running action.

If you want a plug-in that does the job for you and gives you the added piece of mind of being reviewed by Apple for the Mac App Store* then you might want to take a look at Ai Auto Save:

Mac App Store - Ai Auto Save


* And so compatible with the highest security setting son your Mac, and not likely yo be doing anything dodgy behind the scenes.




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Participant ,
Jun 21, 2015 Jun 21, 2015

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Proves its possible - if someone can hack  a script... surely... it's time for this. Think of all the lost hours - please please please fix this.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 21, 2015 Jun 21, 2015

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DS WildOutWest wrote:

... surely... it's time for this. Think of all the lost hours - please please please fix this.

And good news, Adobe just did:

Illustrator CC 2015: New features summary

So they were listening and now there is a new feature in Illustrator called Recovery...

Here's more information on it:

Illustrator Help | Recover document data after a crash




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Participant ,
Jul 19, 2015 Jul 19, 2015

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Weeeeeeee.. Thank you Jesus.

OK, now after a crash... so it still does not work like other suto save features... Where it simply asks on reboot if you would like to ressurect the files open at crash...

COME ON, Consistent, simple - thoughtful - helpful... I'm sitting in a puddle of my own pee.




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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2014 Nov 22, 2014

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Autosaviour - Astute Graphics

this plugin is great tool that really helps!

Try, licence is free.




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Explorer ,
Mar 18, 2015 Mar 18, 2015

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Today, I lost nearly 4 hours. Because of crushing. This happens and I alway forget to save document like before 2000's. In that time, our fingers stays on ctrl+s button generally. As I understand that, autosave feature is very very hard to do for Adobe. I understand that. Today, some softwares make stupid features like realtime rendering or proper snapping features. Very very unnecessary things. I think these people are very stupid too Action AutoSave / AutoRecovery After Crash - Recover File & Work - Illustrator CS5-CS6-CC - YouTube they try to solve things, I don't understand these struggling.

Beside that I totally understand why a software, which is constantly crushing not safe one, would have a recover feature, right?

I've been working on 10 letters drawing today. All of them very simple and just strokes, not shapes even. And, because of the job's creative expectations, I focused on that, I mean, draw simple things to get good result. So, I did not focus to save damn document constantly.

I think, Adobe very poor to achieve to keep something clear, safe, modern and useful. It is like windows 95a,95b, 98 etc. etc. Because of that, I'm ready to pay one more Creative Claud service. You can get double from me.

By the way, I've mentioned this before and, I will again that, is there any tester who know exactly to use Adobe Illustrator, an expert on that, an artist or designer there? do you know that there are some stupidities in this software and I'm -as a designer who HAVE TO use PS and AI every day- nearly convinced that I have to change this old craps and shift to other new solutions. Because, as I see that, they are small but, they totally understands what is expected to be seen in a new, modern software. Yes, hard to change tools but, do you, AI team there, know how is big damn hammer effect that loosing 4 hours? using a crushy tool nearly everyday?(please don't write that my system has a problem. I've formated all machine recently becuse of that. I'reinstall Adobe PS, AI ONLY. There were nothing on my machine for a while! dropbox even.) even loosing 10 minutes how much give a heard, brain and nerve pain?

I fed up with keep asking, keep asking keep asking! I fed up Adobe's every piece of things. Even Behance for instance that bought recently. Do you know what designers live there? Anyway... I just had to cry here!




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Explorer ,
Mar 18, 2015 Mar 18, 2015

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While I keep reading here, as If someone hitting my brain.

People has tried to make actions...

Even, someone had made an app FOR SAVING DOCUMENT AUTOMATICALLY and, serviced it for 5 Euro.


I'm really bad...

My agency has been waiting to get something from me too... I'm sitting here, writing...




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Community Expert ,
Mar 19, 2015 Mar 19, 2015

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ammoniaavenue schrieb:

My agency has been waiting to get something from me too... I'm sitting here, writing...

and everyone else is sitting there reading.

Use the plugin Autosaviour. There's a free version available which will do the saving for you.

Oh, and don't expect software to do the really important things for you. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. So you better set up a backup strategy, no matter how well an autosave function pretends to work.




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New Here ,
May 08, 2015 May 08, 2015

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I lost days worth of artwork thanks to some other S****y program that made me have to restart my comp. Now I lost a ton of work. Thanks a lot, Adobe.





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Community Expert ,
May 09, 2015 May 09, 2015

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You're working for days without shutting down the computer and didn't even save during that time? Really? Why?

So much might happen while working on a file and a recovery feature might solve some of it, but certainly not all. So why on earth has everybode unlearnt to make backup copies???

BTW: if you're searching for a backup solution in Illustrator, take a look at the free plugin Autosaviour Lite.




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Participant ,
Jun 21, 2015 Jun 21, 2015

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Come on... at least once a year, since I can remember,  Illustrator invariably crashes... at let's face it, nobody is expecting it...then you realize its been an hour or so since you saved anything. It gets so you can't fully concentrate, - that this is the ONE program you have to impulsively hit the command "S" button like a little monkey robot. Muse is fantastic at auto recovery. InDesign - a dream... The technology exists... for Christ's sake... think of all the lost hours... the humanity.. The whole of Adobe should not be allowed to work on anything else until this is fixed...

Adobe makes some great things... but sometimes, I think Steve Jobs was right about this company.





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Explorer ,
Apr 14, 2016 Apr 14, 2016

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This would have been WONDERFUL if it was a DEFAULT setting.





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New Here ,
Aug 12, 2016 Aug 12, 2016

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The feature is useless anyway.. Illustrator messes up all of my embeded images every time it tries to recover a file. Relinking doesn't work either.




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