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Illustrator Crashing when searching for updated links in Windows...

Community Beginner ,
Jun 02, 2021 Jun 02, 2021

This has been going on for some time now, at least for the past 5 or 6 updates. While in Windows 10, open any Illustrator file that has links that need to be updated. I don't like to look for files so I copy the file name of the missing link and I used to browse to the folder where I think the linked image is and I paste the file name into the Windows search located in the upper right hand corner of the "Replace" window that I am in. Most times, I cannot even get a cursor into the seach box to paste the text. Other times, I can paste the text but then everything freezes. If I cannot get a cursor into the search box, I can click on Cancel and close the "Replace" window, but then Illustrator acts as if there is an open error message and makes a sound anytime I click on the program. After a few seconds, no sound and complete crash, I have to use the task manager to "End Task" to get the program to close. My only solution is to search for the file in windows, then copy and paste it into the same folder as the AI file, negating the linking issue. While typing this I recreated the situation 5 times with similar results on the first 3 times, on the 4th and 5th times, the issue went away. The only difference in my process on the 4th and 5th times is that instead of copying and pasting the file name, I just clicked into the search box and started typing a file name. After I did that, the copy and paste crash bug could not be replicated. I have experienced this problem for quite a while now, I hope you can replicate the issue and identify a culprit. 

Bug , Performance
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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 02, 2021 Jun 02, 2021

Sounds like the windows search is crashing illustrator. What happens if you search for the file in windows without involving Ilustrator, (not after you get a missing link window)?  You can then just drag that window to the location for when you are updating the link to help windows out from crashing. Either that or drag copy of the image next to the .ai file then open and illustrator looks at files net to the .ai file to relink.

Community Expert ,
Jun 02, 2021 Jun 02, 2021

Sounds like the windows search is crashing illustrator. What happens if you search for the file in windows without involving Ilustrator, (not after you get a missing link window)?  You can then just drag that window to the location for when you are updating the link to help windows out from crashing. Either that or drag copy of the image next to the .ai file then open and illustrator looks at files net to the .ai file to relink.

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Community Beginner ,
Jun 03, 2021 Jun 03, 2021

Thank you for your reply. Searching for the file in Windows Explorer works fine, no issues crashing or stalling. I don't like how the search function works in Windows but that is because they changed the UI in some update to give you an option to automatically open a file when you search for the file name. Yes, there are a few workarounds to make Illustrator work more smoothly, the problem is that I have 15 years of dropbox shared files organized into folders that were placed that way assuming that I could use the search function. Just in case another designer opens a file and starts linking images to a location that would not have the exact same name on my computer. This makes it a common occurance for us to have the need to easily relink images to an Illustrator file. Changing the workflow to accomodate a bug is not what we pay Adobe for every month or year or whatever the boss does to get us our licenses. 

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New Here ,
Sep 26, 2022 Sep 26, 2022

I still cant believe this issue is not solved at all.. Been more than 3 years with this issue. Shame on you Adobe. Sorry but this is totally unacceptable. Fıx this asap maybe?

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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2022 Sep 29, 2022

I'm facing the same problem. I don't know how to resslove this.


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New Here ,
Nov 08, 2022 Nov 08, 2022

Really, is just a problem adobe hasn't fixed in 3 years.... What are they doing all year around. this should be really high on the projects list

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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2022 Dec 04, 2022

I'm experiencing the same problem on my mac. Illustrator crashes when I try to relink files. I have to force quit Illustrator. Can't believe this problem's been going on for 3 years and it hasn't been fixed. 

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Explorer ,
Dec 05, 2022 Dec 05, 2022

I did not expect this problem to happen on a Mac. Thank you for posting! I thought this was only an issue with Windows.

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Community Beginner ,
Oct 03, 2023 Oct 03, 2023

I am also still getting this issue. Glad it's not just me, been putting up for it for ages!

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