Hi there,
Sorry to hear about the trouble you are facing. I would request you to share a few more details like:
- Exact OS & version of Illustrator
- When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates, or web extensions installed recently.
- Does resetting Illustrator Preferences ( https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/setting-preferences.html) help to resolve the issue?
Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
If resetting the Illustrator preferences doesn't help, then you may try the following steps one by one and let us know how it goes:
- Rename the CEP folder to "CEP.old" from the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe
- If that doesn't help, rename the extensions folder to "extensions.old" from the following location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP
- If that doesn't help either, uninstall the application using the CC Cleaner tool and reinstall from the
Creative Cloud Desktop
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini