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Hi! I have been trying to merge two different shapes. One shape, for example has a small white circle in the middle, surrounder by 5 black rectangles, the other one, a larger white circle surrounded by 20 rectangles. I tried to blend the shapes but they are distorted, also tried to create brushes to repeat the shapes but i didnt get the end result, as shown in the following image. Any suggestions on how to create this effect would be greatly appreciated! thank you
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Blend would be the way to go.
So how did your result look like?
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Hi thank you for responding, the end result looks like this:
  It deforms the shapes gradualy
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Exactly how did you make the base shapes?
Can you show the base artwork with layers panel open?
Or better: the file itself?
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Yeah, I'm interested too, curious about the "spokes" increasing in number... I don't know how to do that.
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You have to generate the spokes by using a transform effect.
THen when blending, Illustrator will blend between the effect settings.
Group them each. Mind the stacking order
Apply another effect to the group to scale it/them
Then blend
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Awesome, thanks Monika!