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Hi everyone,
I made a pattern repeat in AI and it looks great. I tested it out in a larger recetangle, still looks good. So, I made a new file and filled a rectangle with the pattern (still looks good) and then used the "export As" to export to a PNG--which I've been doing for MONTHS with no problems. Problem is, when I open the png file (or try to place it in INDD), the background is missing from the pattern in one design, and the dots are the wrong color in another.
I've reset my preferences, restarted AI, and even shut down and restarted my computer. Any ideas how to fix this?
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What happens if you copy the object with the pattern, paste it into a new document and export from there?
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Same thing-- the blue background with the dots disappears.
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Can you share an example Illustrator file?
CC filesharing, DropBox, WeTransfer, Google ...
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So, I rebuilt the file this morning. Everything looked good again until I exported as a PNG. I opened it in preview and the dots in the background are the wrong color. The olive dot is the right color but all the dots that are mint green are the wrong color. Perhaps there is something wrong with the dot pattern that I've put in the background? Except, I checked that file before I rebuilt the pattern and it looked clean. ARgh. So frustrating.
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Did you assign spot colors? Transparency? Blend modes? Effects?
Please give us details about that file.