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I'm looking for a script that would allow me to Reorder illustrator artboard with there position.
i have 300 files each file with 80 artboards.
the order of these 80 artboards in the Artboard window like this [1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13.....]
but in the Drawing area, their position is like this [1-2-8-4-12-77-25-14-3-5-80-34......]
So I want to be in the same order of the artboards compared to their position
Hi @soufianovitch, here's a revised version of my script from this question. It is a little bit fancier and has a UI. Let me know how it goes.
- Mark
Sort Artboards
for Adobe Illustrator
by m1b
Sorting by position compares to
Sorry, it was a debugging script.
Here's the release version
Sort Artboards
for Adobe Illustrator
by m1b
Sorting by position compares top or left or right values to n decimal places, 3 by default
(without this limit, tiny
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Dosen't the rearrange artboards menu work for you?
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No, because the rearrange artboards it order the artboards by their number, not their position.
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Hi @soufianovitch, here's a revised version of my script from this question. It is a little bit fancier and has a UI. Let me know how it goes.
- Mark
Sort Artboards
for Adobe Illustrator
by m1b
Sorting by position compares top or left or right values to n decimal places, 3 by default
(without this limit, tiny discrepancies come in to play and cause weird results)
var SortMethod = {
NAME: { sorter: sortByName, displayName: 'By Name' },
POSITION_TOP_LEFT: { sorter: sortByPositionTopLeft, displayName: 'By Position Top Left' },
POSITION_TOP_RIGHT: { sorter: sortByPositionTopRight, displayName: 'By Position Top Right' },
POSITION_LEFT_TOP: { sorter: sortByPositionLeftTop, displayName: 'By Position Left Top' },
POSITION_RIGHT_TOP: { sorter: sortByPositionRightTop, displayName: 'By Position Right Top' },
REVERSE: { sorter: reverse, displayName: 'Reverse' },
SHUFFLE: { sorter: shuffle, displayName: 'Shuffle' },
var settings = {
action: sortArtboards,
sortMethod: SortMethod.NAME,
decimalPlaces: 3,
showUI: true
function main() {
if (settings.showUI) {
} else {
settings.action.apply(null, [app.activeDocument, settings.sortMethod.sorter]);
function sortArtboards(doc, sortFunction) {
var decimalPlaces = Math.pow(10, settings.decimalPlaces);
// make an array of existing artboards
var _artboards = [];
for (var i = 0; i < doc.artboards.length; i++)
// copy the array for later
var deleteMeLater = _artboards.slice();
// sort
sortFunction(_artboards, decimalPlaces);
// add the artboards and match to existing
var a;
while (a = _artboards.shift()) {
var b = doc.artboards.add(a.artboardRect); =;
b.rulerOrigin = a.rulerOrigin;
b.rulerPAR = a.rulerPAR;
b.showCenter = a.showCenter;
b.showCrossHairs = a.showCrossHairs;
b.showSafeAreas = a.showSafeAreas;
// delete the original artboards
while (a = deleteMeLater.pop())
// Sorting Functions
function reverse(_artboards) {
function sortByName(_artboards) {
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a > b) return 1;
return 0;
function sortByPositionTopLeft(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts T < B L < R
decimalPlaces = decimalPlaces || 1000;
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((a.artboardRect[0] - b.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionTopRight(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts T < B, R < L
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[0] - a.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionLeftTop(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts L < R, T < B
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((a.artboardRect[0] - b.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionRightTop(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts R < L, T < B
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[0] - a.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function shuffle(_artboards) {
var i = _artboards.length,
while (i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
// swap randomly chosen element with current element
temp = _artboards[i];
_artboards[i] = _artboards[j];
_artboards[j] = temp;
function invokeUI(p) {
// add the sort methods to array
var sortMethods = [];
for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
if (SortMethod.hasOwnProperty([i]))
// show UI
var dialog = makeUI(p);
var result =;
dialog = null;
// handle result
if (result === -1) {
// cancelled
} else if (result === 1) {
// do action
settings.action.apply(null, [app.activeDocument, settings.sortMethod.sorter]);
function makeUI(p) {
var w = new Window("dialog", 'Sort Artboards'),
menuRow = w.add("Group {orientation:'row', alignment:['fill','top']}"),
// stack = w.add("Group {orientation:'stack', alignment:['fill','fill']}"),
buttonRow = w.add("Group {orientation:'row', alignment:['right','top']}");
menuRow.add("statictext", undefined, "Sort Method");
var mainMenu = menuRow.add("Dropdownlist {alignment:['left','center']}"),
cancelButton = buttonRow.add('button', undefined, 'Cancel', { name: 'cancel' }),
okButton = buttonRow.add('button', undefined, 'Sort', { name: 'ok' });
// add the sort methods to menu
for (var i = 0; i < sortMethods.length; i++)
mainMenu.add('item', sortMethods[i].displayName);
mainMenu.preferredSize.width = 180;
mainMenu.selection = settings.sortMethod.displayName;
okButton.onClick = okButtonClicked;
cancelButton.onClick = cancelButtonClicked;
// mainMenu.onChange = updateUI;
return w;
function okButtonClicked() {
settings.sortMethod = sortMethods[mainMenu.selection.index];
function cancelButtonClicked() {
function updateUI() {
// var s = mainMenu.selection ? mainMenu.selection.index : 0;
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wow man it works thank you very much, but I have another question can I use it just for Top Left to integrate with an action to play it as a Batch for all the 300 files
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Yes easily. Edit the settings object like this:
var settings = {
action: sortArtboards,
sortMethod: SortMethod.POSITION_TOP_LEFT,
decimalPlaces: 3,
showUI: false
It will show no UI and just do the position top left sorting.
- Mark
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Thanks, man you are amazing, it works perfectly.
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I've been looking for this forever. Well, since last week. Great script - thanks!
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Since Illustrator has a limit of 1000 artboards, this script will not work if the document contains more than 500 artboards
I changed the algorithm for applying sorted melons so that it would not create a duplicate of all elements, and the insertion would be pointwise. Thus, the limit of the updated script is not 500 but 999 artboards
Also the sorting method from Settings was not taken into account, this has been fixed.
Sort Artboards
for Adobe Illustrator
by m1b
Sorting by position compares top or left or right values to n decimal places, 3 by default
(without this limit, tiny discrepancies come in to play and cause weird results)
2023.11.15 Andrew_BJ:
- Fixed limit of 500 artboards to sort. Now limit is 999 (Limit 1000 by AI - 1)
- Fixed setup UI by selected sorting method in settings object
var SortMethod = {
NAME: { sorter: sortByName, displayName: 'By Name' },
POSITION_TOP_LEFT: { sorter: sortByPositionTopLeft, displayName: 'By Position Top Left' },
POSITION_TOP_RIGHT: { sorter: sortByPositionTopRight, displayName: 'By Position Top Right' },
POSITION_LEFT_TOP: { sorter: sortByPositionLeftTop, displayName: 'By Position Left Top' },
POSITION_RIGHT_TOP: { sorter: sortByPositionRightTop, displayName: 'By Position Right Top' },
REVERSE: { sorter: reverse, displayName: 'Reverse' },
SHUFFLE: { sorter: shuffle, displayName: 'Shuffle' },
var settings = {
action: sortArtboards,
sortMethod: SortMethod.POSITION_TOP_LEFT,
decimalPlaces: 3,
showUI: true
function main() {
if (settings.showUI) {
} else {
settings.action.apply(null, [app.activeDocument, settings.sortMethod.sorter]);
function sortArtboards(doc, sortFunction) {
var decimalPlaces = Math.pow(10, settings.decimalPlaces);
// make an array of existing artboards
var _artboards = [];
for (var i = 0; i < doc.artboards.length; i++)
var a = doc.artboards[i];
var s = {name:, artboardRect: a.artboardRect, srcIndex: i};
// sort
sortFunction(_artboards, decimalPlaces);
// add the artboards and match to existing
for (var i = 0; i < _artboards.length; i++)
var s = _artboards[i];
var a = doc.artboards[s.srcIndex];
var b = doc.artboards.add(a.artboardRect); =;
b.rulerOrigin = a.rulerOrigin;
b.rulerPAR = a.rulerPAR;
b.showCenter = a.showCenter;
b.showCrossHairs = a.showCrossHairs;
b.showSafeAreas = a.showSafeAreas;
for (var j = i + 1; j < _artboards.length; j++)
if (_artboards[j].srcIndex > s.srcIndex)
// Sorting Functions
function reverse(_artboards) {
function sortByName(_artboards) {
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
if ( < return -1;
if ( > return 1;
return 0;
function sortByPositionTopLeft(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts T < B L < R
decimalPlaces = decimalPlaces || 1000;
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((a.artboardRect[0] - b.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionTopRight(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts T < B, R < L
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[0] - a.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionLeftTop(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts L < R, T < B
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((a.artboardRect[0] - b.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionRightTop(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts R < L, T < B
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[0] - a.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function shuffle(_artboards) {
var i = _artboards.length,
while (i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
// swap randomly chosen element with current element
temp = _artboards[i];
_artboards[i] = _artboards[j];
_artboards[j] = temp;
function invokeUI(p) {
// add the sort methods to array
var sortMethods = [];
for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
if (SortMethod.hasOwnProperty([i]))
// show UI
var dialog = makeUI(p);
var result =;
dialog = null;
// handle result
if (result === -1) {
// cancelled
} else if (result === 1) {
// do action
settings.action.apply(null, [app.activeDocument, settings.sortMethod.sorter]);
function makeUI(p) {
var w = new Window("dialog", 'Sort Artboards'),
menuRow = w.add("Group {orientation:'row', alignment:['fill','top']}"),
// stack = w.add("Group {orientation:'stack', alignment:['fill','fill']}"),
buttonRow = w.add("Group {orientation:'row', alignment:['right','top']}");
menuRow.add("statictext", undefined, "Sort Method");
var mainMenu = menuRow.add("Dropdownlist {alignment:['left','center']}"),
cancelButton = buttonRow.add('button', undefined, 'Cancel', { name: 'cancel' }),
okButton = buttonRow.add('button', undefined, 'Sort', { name: 'ok' });
// add the sort methods to menu
var select = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sortMethods.length; i++)
mainMenu.add('item', sortMethods[i].displayName);
if (settings.sortMethod.displayName == sortMethods[i].displayName)
select = i;
mainMenu.preferredSize.width = 180;
mainMenu.selection = mainMenu.items[select];
okButton.onClick = okButtonClicked;
cancelButton.onClick = cancelButtonClicked;
// mainMenu.onChange = updateUI;
return w;
function okButtonClicked() {
settings.sortMethod = sortMethods[mainMenu.selection.index];
function cancelButtonClicked() {
function updateUI() {
// var s = mainMenu.selection ? mainMenu.selection.index : 0;
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Sorry, it was a debugging script.
Here's the release version
Sort Artboards
for Adobe Illustrator
by m1b
Sorting by position compares top or left or right values to n decimal places, 3 by default
(without this limit, tiny discrepancies come in to play and cause weird results)
2023.11.15 Andrew_BJ:
- Fixed limit of 500 artboards to sort. Now limit is 999 (Limit 1000 by AI - 1)
- Fixed setup UI by selected sorting method in settings object
var SortMethod = {
NAME: { sorter: sortByName, displayName: 'By Name' },
POSITION_TOP_LEFT: { sorter: sortByPositionTopLeft, displayName: 'By Position Top Left' },
POSITION_TOP_RIGHT: { sorter: sortByPositionTopRight, displayName: 'By Position Top Right' },
POSITION_LEFT_TOP: { sorter: sortByPositionLeftTop, displayName: 'By Position Left Top' },
POSITION_RIGHT_TOP: { sorter: sortByPositionRightTop, displayName: 'By Position Right Top' },
REVERSE: { sorter: reverse, displayName: 'Reverse' },
SHUFFLE: { sorter: shuffle, displayName: 'Shuffle' },
var settings = {
action: sortArtboards,
sortMethod: SortMethod.POSITION_TOP_LEFT,
decimalPlaces: 3,
showUI: true
function main() {
if (settings.showUI) {
} else {
settings.action.apply(null, [app.activeDocument, settings.sortMethod.sorter]);
function sortArtboards(doc, sortFunction) {
var decimalPlaces = Math.pow(10, settings.decimalPlaces);
// make an array of existing artboards
var _artboards = [];
for (var i = 0; i < doc.artboards.length; i++)
var a = doc.artboards[i];
var s = {name:, artboardRect: a.artboardRect, srcIndex: i};
// sort
sortFunction(_artboards, decimalPlaces);
// add the artboards and match to existing
for (var i = 0; i < _artboards.length; i++)
var s = _artboards[i];
var a = doc.artboards[s.srcIndex];
var b = doc.artboards.add(a.artboardRect); =;
b.rulerOrigin = a.rulerOrigin;
b.rulerPAR = a.rulerPAR;
b.showCenter = a.showCenter;
b.showCrossHairs = a.showCrossHairs;
b.showSafeAreas = a.showSafeAreas;
for (var j = i + 1; j < _artboards.length; j++)
if (_artboards[j].srcIndex > s.srcIndex)
// Sorting Functions
function reverse(_artboards) {
function sortByName(_artboards) {
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
if ( < return -1;
if ( > return 1;
return 0;
function sortByPositionTopLeft(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts T < B L < R
decimalPlaces = decimalPlaces || 1000;
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((a.artboardRect[0] - b.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionTopRight(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts T < B, R < L
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[0] - a.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionLeftTop(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts L < R, T < B
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((a.artboardRect[0] - b.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function sortByPositionRightTop(_artboards, decimalPlaces) {
// sorts R < L, T < B
_artboards.sort(function (a, b) {
return (
Math.round((b.artboardRect[0] - a.artboardRect[0]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
|| Math.round((b.artboardRect[1] - a.artboardRect[1]) * decimalPlaces) / decimalPlaces
function shuffle(_artboards) {
var i = _artboards.length,
while (i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
// swap randomly chosen element with current element
temp = _artboards[i];
_artboards[i] = _artboards[j];
_artboards[j] = temp;
function invokeUI(p) {
// add the sort methods to array
var sortMethods = [];
for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
if (SortMethod.hasOwnProperty([i]))
// show UI
var dialog = makeUI(p);
var result =;
dialog = null;
// handle result
if (result === -1) {
// cancelled
} else if (result === 1) {
// do action
settings.action.apply(null, [app.activeDocument, settings.sortMethod.sorter]);
function makeUI(p) {
var w = new Window("dialog", 'Sort Artboards'),
menuRow = w.add("Group {orientation:'row', alignment:['fill','top']}"),
// stack = w.add("Group {orientation:'stack', alignment:['fill','fill']}"),
buttonRow = w.add("Group {orientation:'row', alignment:['right','top']}");
menuRow.add("statictext", undefined, "Sort Method");
var mainMenu = menuRow.add("Dropdownlist {alignment:['left','center']}"),
cancelButton = buttonRow.add('button', undefined, 'Cancel', { name: 'cancel' }),
okButton = buttonRow.add('button', undefined, 'Sort', { name: 'ok' });
// add the sort methods to menu
var select = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sortMethods.length; i++)
mainMenu.add('item', sortMethods[i].displayName);
if (settings.sortMethod.displayName == sortMethods[i].displayName)
select = i;
mainMenu.preferredSize.width = 180;
mainMenu.selection = mainMenu.items[select];
okButton.onClick = okButtonClicked;
cancelButton.onClick = cancelButtonClicked;
// mainMenu.onChange = updateUI;
return w;
function okButtonClicked() {
settings.sortMethod = sortMethods[mainMenu.selection.index];
function cancelButtonClicked() {
function updateUI() {
// var s = mainMenu.selection ? mainMenu.selection.index : 0;
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Thanks for your help @Andrew_BJ. 🙂
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Great! Thanks for this script. Artboard managment is so old fashioned in Illustrator, but you improoved it a lot.
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Wow this script is written so compact, i can learn from this. Passing function as a parameter is so nice. Always forget thats possible
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I was trying to understand the code. Am i correct that say we use TOPLEFT for sort. It than records the abrect, remove the artboard and adds a new one at the bottom of the list so the order is correct again
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Yes, but in a different order
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Thank u, saved my life, i was making a lot of mind to how do this, but just asking it on english u made it perfect, now i just trimed it to make it no ui and just top left, but u are awesome, bro.