Hi All,
I'm trying to create a plug-in that exports a whole AI document or just a selected portion of it to an EMF file.
I've used classes from [SnippetRunner] SDK sample, i.e. from \Code Snippets folder, and I've encountered a very strange behavior when calling
SnpDocumentActionHelper::ExportDocument(ActionDialogStatus dialogStatus, AIActionParamValueRef parameters)
with formats such as WMF, EMF etc.
If function sAIActionManager->PlayActionEvent() is called with 'kDialogOff' status an error message "The plugin cannot complete because of an unknown error" appears, although the export is completed and the return code is 'kNoErr'.
If I try exporting with a dialog interface (omit parameters or 'kDialogOn') everything is fine.
I checked it both for CS3 and CS4 SDK, as well as for WinXp and WinVista.
I also tested with the actual sample plug-in (SnippetRunner), same behavior.
Is this an SDK bug? Any ideas?